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Friday, March 13, 2020

Democratic congresswoman asks ICE to release detained illegal immigrants amid coronavirus fears

Democratic New York Rep. Grace Meng called on Immigration and Customs Enforcement to release older illegal immigrants being detained to mitigate coronavirus exposure.

“It would be a prudent course of action for ICE to take steps now to minimize the number of detainees in your facilities,” Meng said to acting ICE Director Matt Albence on Wednesday during a House Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security.

Albence disagreed with that assessment and argued that ICE is capable of handling detainees with contagious diseases and has “extensive experience” doing so.



  1. Yeah...release them on Mexico's side of the border!

  2. C130 release to the middle of the Pacific...

  3. Easiest place to isolate them from the rest of us is in lockup. It is asinine to suggest they should be released into our healthy population.

  4. Seems to me if they are detained they should be safe. Am I missing something here?????

  5. I Agree with 1:39. They are safe where they are. They may not be if released.


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