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Thursday, March 19, 2020

Chinese doctor claims he made a breakthrough in coronavirus pandemic with stem cell injections - having 100% success rate after treating nine mostly elderly patients

A Chinese doctor who runs a lab in Wuhan - ground zero of the coronavirus pandemic - claims he could save thousands of lives after making a breakthrough in the treatment of the deadly pathogen, DailyMailTV can reveal.

Dr. Dongcheng Wu, an expert in stem cell therapy, said he has successfully treated nine patients who were hospitalised with novel coronavirus pneumonia.

The patients, mostly elderly, had developed serious breathing issues as well as overwhelming inflammation in their lungs before they volunteered for Dr. Wu's medical trial earlier this month in Wuhan.



  1. Not sure I'd trust a whole lot coming from China on this one - just saying

  2. sure he did. lying no good commie bastards!

  3. Hmmmm, I wonder if Dr. Dongcheng Wu had anything to do with the development of CoVID-19? Just asking...

  4. Good thing there's this thing called peer review. So much speculation going on in the world, perhaps if people looked more to facts we wouldn't be in these situations

  5. Oh, I see... the Chinese know how to fix it. Could that be because they created it in the first place?!?!

  6. China has the Cure because they made it the same time as the
    Virus !!! Secret Vaccine


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