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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Chinese Ambassador Lauds Hillary Clinton’s Attack on President Trump

An ambassador from China is lauding Hillary Clinton’s recent attack on President Trump.

“The president is turning to racist rhetoric to distract from his failures to take the coronavirus seriously early on, make tests widely available, and adequately prepare the country for a period of crisis,” Clinton wrote on Twitter on Wednesday.

“Don’t fall for it. Don’t let your friends and family fall for it.”

That prompted a response from a representative of the communist regime, the Chinese ambassador to South Africa, Lin Songtian.

“It is true,” Lin wrote regarding Clinton’s attack that Trump calling coronavirus a “Chinese virus” is “racist rhetoric.”

“Justice always speak [sic] loudly.”



  1. So Hillary has the support of both the Chinese and her Russian friends.

  2. Put this with Feinstein having Chinese nationals on her payroll for years and then tell me Feinstein and Hillary along with the Democrats used / still using the Chinese to attempt a takedown the US government and allow them to use voter fraud in our elections.

  3. Oh, BS, certainly the communists are going to agree with the Hildabeast.

  4. Ha! This is good. A chicom backing Hillary. Bet she didn't think that would happen in her dumbass comments.

  5. From the woman who dresses like Mao.

    1. I always thought she looked like a villain from a 70's Kung Fu movie.

    2. She truly has improved the likeness. This Hillary (#3) was too attractive and appears to be too young. That’s why she disappeared for a while. They have done a great job with her and us very believable as Hillary Clinton.

      Politically they might be able to keep the Hillary character going a while. Truly amazing.

  6. Ed Zachary {google that lol} They must not think much of the average persons intelligence. Is it racist to say Chinese food? Mexican food? Italian anyone? wait for it.....SOUL FOOD!!!!!

  7. Frito lay said workers in Modesto Ca plant tested positive for Coronavirus don’t eat no California chips.

  8. The Chinese ambassador does only and says only what he's told.

  9. Proves how much of a deceiver she is . Telling on herself..her and her swamp buddies working with china have done this to us. Better wake up to the evil agenda of these luciferians idealist like clinton.


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