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Thursday, March 12, 2020

CA Gun Sales Surge for Asian Americans Fearing Attacks over Corona Virus

California gun sales are surging as Asian Americans arm up to defend themselves, should they be targeted by people angry over the existence of the Corona virus.

CBS LA reports that gun stores in San Gabriel Valley are seeing gun sales skyrocket. Stores such as Arcadia Firearm & Safety are seeing “10 times” as many customers as usual, and store owner David Liu says it is because of fears caused by the Corona virus.

He said, “Because of Corona virus, a lot of people start to worry.” But he added, “If you’re prepared, you’re not afraid.”

The area is home to a large population of Asian Americans, many of whom are now seeking a firearm in order to be able to defend themselves in the event of an attack.



  1. I ain't eating in their restaurants they have stuff from china in there.

    1. “ain’t eatin’ “ is proper, not “ain’t eating”

  2. PSA those air packets that are included in boxes from China have germs in them, don't pop them indoors.

  3. I would too. Many of these schools have not offered insight into if the students are getting their money back despite paying for housing, meal plans, and other expenses for the full semester.

  4. I got to say if my wife dies from this Chinese flu stuff I will get even!

    1. Get even with who? You freaking idiot!


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