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Sunday, March 08, 2020

BRUTAL. Chelsea Clinton Attempts to Lecture President Trump on Coronavirus — Gets Destroyed by Trump Supporters and Facts

This left a mark.

Last Tuesday Chelsea Clinton decided to lecture President Trump on the coronavirus. It still is not clear why Chelsea sees herself as an expert on the subject.

The tweet was completely ratioed.

President Trump has left the U.S. dangerously underprepared to face a public health crisis like a #coronavirus outbreak.


  1. NO, the Democrats have left the country Dangerously
    Underprepared !!!! They have done NOTHING for 3 & 1/2 yrs

  2. The Only thing she knows about Corona is Drinking them !!!

  3. Lol, love when the Clintons get trolled on twitter.

  4. She got a Corona of her owna !!!

  5. The expertise exuded by Chelsea Clinton is eating ears of corn such as the rest of the Dumbcratic jackasses. If you don't believe me just look at her face. If that ain't 'ole dobbin' I give up.

  6. Anit fun! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  7. She's trying to get herself lined up to run for president!

  8. The Corona virus is not causing an epidemic! More people die of the plain old regular flu, and most of those have compromised immune systems! Don't listen to the mainstream media.

  9. 30 a month die from booze. Crickets

  10. She will follow her Mother's footsteps - Senator from NY. As a private citizen with a family of politicians please tell me why we care about her opinion. Rich spoiled brat that thinks we careπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  11. So You can put lipstick on a pig.

  12. Raid will kill more than 30
    Plus it kills cockroaches too

  13. So Chelsea (Alfred E. Neuman) has been handed one high paying job after another just like Hunter Biden. So she thinks she must be all that until she makes one step out of the Hillary cocoon into the real world and gets her ass handed to her.

  14. Her husband was a stock broker until his bad judgement cost Calif. State Employees Retirement Fund $112 million to go up in smoke and never to return.
    He still demanded his commission...
    Chelsea blew this off as though it was no big deal. It wasn’t her money so why worry???

  15. Her Spoiled Rotton ass lives in cloud 9 above the earth !!

    Like her mom Hillary Rotton Clinton !!!!

  16. Chelsea Clinton isn’t an expert on anything. She needs to shut the hell up and go do whatever it is she does....someplace else.


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