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Thursday, March 26, 2020

BREAKING NEWS: Over 3,000,000 People Filed For Unemployment This Week

While this was pretty much expected, we've never exceeded 600,000 in one week in the worst of times in the U.S.. 


  1. Mission Accomplished
    Economy is wrecked

  2. Don't worry everyone, the stimulus aka bailout will go to the airlines and they already said they are using the money to give their uppers a pay increase!!!! So that should make you feel better, during this time, that the CEO of airliners are going to get paid!!!

  3. 10:20 You nailed it.

  4. 1020, whose mission? Last I checked, Trump shut down travel from China and now other countries, he declared the national emergency, his CDC promoted social distancing, the list goes on. Who exactly are you looking to falsely assign blame to?

    1. The sad part is if we had compentant leadership it wouldn't have come to this.
      Look at S. Korea's, Taiwan and others example.

  5. Bankrupt the Fed. It’s gonna happen. Check out the Act of 1871. Enough is enough, time to claim or inherent rights. #wwwg1wga

  6. 11:47; And Australia and the Philippines. Philippines had one week notice that
    all airports and international flights closed down 15 March to 15 April( or longer if needed) Grocery stores are open,if you can get there.But, only one
    family member is allowed to go shopping.

  7. I'm gonna keep working till I can't anymore! You're not shutting me down over a damn cold

  8. Well, here in Salisbury MD > GOOD LUCK trying to do that !!!
    You WILL NOT get through on the phone to anyone to FILE & the stupid
    online app does not work alot of the time !!!

    How the Hell can we File then ?? Not Happening !!!

    Who knows when ANYONE will thus get Any check for Unemployment !!

  9. Unless the Stupid state puts on Many more Phone Lines > Not Gonna
    Happen !!!

  10. 3 million more could NOT get through to even File !!!!


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