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Friday, March 27, 2020

BREAKING NEWS: Maryland Is Not Giving You The Proper Death & Positive Coronavirus Test Results

So here's the deal. Maryland is only telling you the results/statistics from in sate residents. If you happen to have a NY, NJ, DE, or any other state license and you test positive, Maryland does not record you as a statistic. Not deaths, not positive results. 

Lord only knows what/where they're recording for illegals in Montgomery County and so forth. So if you die or test positive here I'm told that person gets recorded in the state they RESIDE in instead. I wondered why the numbers were so screwed up on a local level, now we know. The games people play. 

I have confirmed this FACT through the Health Department. There are tons of people who have left their state and relocated to their secondary homes here on the Shore. So we have no clue what our TRUE numbers are here in Maryland.


  1. The clue was in Jake stating that they were waiting results on 33 people in the city alone.

    At least he was dropping clues.

    It is a dis-service to the community because if the number were higher people would stay the heck home and we could maintain a lower level.

    The new sick are doubling every day now. That is your second clue on how bad it is.

  2. Lock down late Sunday or Monday. All business and including Leo. I over heard this while grocery shopping and waiting I line for 30 minutes. The people talking were wearing FEMA shirts or something else.

  3. Hmmm. But the illegals qualify for in-state tuition discounts.

  4. Jake is LYING to Everyone.

  5. Yeah, there were people wearing FEMA shirts, just hanging out at the grocery store, openly talking about a lockdown LOL

  6. Just like the crime statistics

  7. Govt can't tell the Truth !!!

  8. We’re as bad as China with numbers. It’s sickening.

  9. You can’t count positives if you aren’t testing. I exhibit many symptoms but I don’t have a fever so I dOnT nEeD a tEst. Oh well right?

  10. That is the same every state is doing....if individuals die while traveling in another state their death, if a result of Coronavirus, is reported by where their actual residency is!

  11. Ok, Like Joe confirmed last week. Total quarantine, shutdown, shelter in place. Had inside knowledge. Or was that the week before?

  12. Why do you have to see higher numbers to decide if you are going to stay home? It should be pretty clear by now. Just stay home!

  13. How do you know when Jake is lying? when his lips are moving.

  14. The govt. is also lying, many deaths are being classified as Phenomena instead of Chinese Bat Fever, or Corona or whatever name they are calling this week.

  15. What??? The government would lie to you??? Imagine that!!!


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