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Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Berlin Mayor Proposes 4% Property Tax Rate For Council Review

BERLIN – Mayor Gee Williams this week formally proposed a 3.75% tax increase for the coming fiscal year.

On Monday, Williams introduced a proposed property tax rate of $.83 per $100 of assessed value. The increase, which citizens can comment on at a public hearing March 23, comes in the wake of last year’s 18% tax hike.

“The process of doing the budget formally begins once the property tax rate has been proposed,” Williams said.

According to data regarding possible tax rate scenarios presented at a work session last month, the town’s projected property tax revenues for fiscal year 2021 are $3.5 million. A tax increase of 3.75% would bring in an additional $130,879. Though the data reviewed last month included revenue projections for a $.87 tax rate, a $.85 tax rate and a $.83 rate, Williams proposed the latter on Monday. He said now that the rate was introduced, the budget could be developed based on the associated revenue projections.



  1. Yeah, that’s gonna go over like a lead balloon

  2. For what to maintain their FAUX small town charming rainy day OC tourist trap ? How quaint.

  3. That Libtard Gee Williams needs to take a hike. Thank God, Governor Hogan got rid of his a$$ and he is no longer a State employee.

  4. Im telling you its gonna get allot worse in this state get out now while you still can..democrats hands will be in your pockets and they will not be removed. Berlin is a prime example of the DEMOCRATS incompetency and failure to get a grip on any fiscal matters. Cuts are needed across the board. Lets Start with the bloated education waste. NO MORE TAXE INCREASES

  5. Increase to pay for WELFARE PROGRAMS.

  6. Leaders shoot down any business growth but want to raise taxes throw them out!

  7. The dumbocrats are just the mafia. They are taking their cut from you getting to live in their world.

  8. First idiot to post on Facebook, Ms EMS Captain that has burnt every bridge through stupidity and ignorance.

    1. Did that surprise you? She spouts evil with every breath, and her leach husband is no better. Gee has her number.

  9. Citizens of Berlin, you need to contact those people in Wicomico County who did a Revenue Cap on property taxes before you are taxed to death. Out it on the ballot for November before you regret it.

  10. Regarding his comment at the end of the article, people have been using BPD as a stepping stone for decades. Their pay, retirement, and benefits are crap and nobody wants to stick around for it.

    1. And they continue to be in denial over this.


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