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Saturday, March 28, 2020

Baltimore Population Plunges To Lowest In Over A Century As Homicides Soar

Baltimore City's population dipped below the 600,000 level, not see in more than a century, as record homicides, an opioid crisis, and now an economic depression risks sending the city deeper into chaos.

The Baltimore Sun, citing new US Census data released on Thursday, estimates that the population in the city was 593,490 as of July 2019.

To give you some perspective on the collapsing population trend in Baltimore. In 1950, the city had 950,000 residents. Now it has 593,490, which is a loss of 356,510 people, or about 37.5% of the entire population in seven decades.

We've mentioned on several occasions how deindustrialization, "white flight" of the 1960/70s, the crack epidemic of the 1980/90s, and now the murder and opioid crisis has created another mass exodus, with many people fleeing for Baltimore County and other surrounding counties.



  1. Shooting up Salisbury too

  2. Remember when you move leave your crappy liberal beliefs behind. It's what made your old neighborhood such a chit hole.

  3. It goes down 350 a year just from the killings.

  4. Slums, drugs, gangs and lawlessness in the murders what do you expect? Add high taxes and theft with the LIBERAL DEMOCRATS and what do you expect? SALISBURY MD is very close behind Baltimore in these areas. What a future in Salisbury MD.

  5. That might be a good thing if it's the A.A.'s leaving.

  6. home of the naacp! says it all!

  7. I was born and raised just a few feet outside of the city limits of Baltimore over 66 years ago. Many crime problems---even back then. I bordered on Leakin Park. Look up on YouTube about that area. Scary crap back then and even more so today. I stayed until 1977 & had the opportunity to come to Salisbury to start my career. I did well & was transferred back to Balto., in late 79' for a promotion. Requested a demotion and pay cut after 1.5 years to get out of the hellhole & back to Salisbury. Didn't happen. Quit my job, sold my house & everything else I owned. I came back down with no job & started over. I'm still here but feel as if Balto., & its crime (maybe it is more of their politicians) has followed me down here to destroy what was once the great small town/city, Salisbury. Turned into a little Balto. with no solid direction, little hope and crime everywhere. Not looking good for Salisbury and surrounding areas. We have no leadership w/ balls. Sorry to see this happen to what I felt was Gods'paradise over 40 years ago. Only its people today can even start to save Salisbury. But look at what we now have as "citizens". Pretty pathetic. Renters many, citizens few. God help all of you who want to raise your kids in something that could be called "I remember the good times when"... You fill in the blank and see if it is something that exists for you today. It is time for the people of Wicomico County to fight and kick some ass if you want a suitable place to live and raise a family. Looking over your shoulder to see what is after you is not a way to live. I was born and lived in Balto., experienced and was personally, along with family members, subjected to the criminal animals that existed there then, and have expanded even more today. In my travels for my profession around Sussex County and Wicomico County, I have experienced more animalism from whatever the hell is out there today than over the past 66 years of my life. It is your choice people as to what you are willing to accept as "acceptable". If political correctness floats your boat, enjoy the consequences. Otherwise, it is time for the rest of us to shove it back up their ass. If someone wants to call me a racist, prejudiced, or bigoted---let them. I will accept the moniker of prejudiced or bigoted, but I am not a racist. What ever color you may be, I will be be always be against an animal who preys on other humans. Wake up Wicomico County. Wake up PEOPLE. Liberalism will kill you.

    1. 7:57 I appreciate your honest life story and your will to live a good life. More should live a life as you have, they would be much more inclined to save salisbury and the surrounding areas. You are not a racist, telling it like it is, is not racism. Thank you

  8. Natural selection?

  9. Balmer need a dose of the virus like NYC has,just to thin the herd.

  10. Self-Cleaning up the Swamp !!!!

  11. The people didn't "leave," they just moved to the suburbs. In effect, the city just got bigger and added zip codes. The statistics are misleading. Of course people have been leaving for the suburbs for decades. I consider Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and the suburbs as all one big city. The same thing with DC. The only thing that changes is the sign that tells you that you have crossed immediately from one city to the next. No change in scenery. Used to be a change in population density, but that has equaled out with the flight from the inner city. Every major city in the country has experienced the same kind of flight from the inner cities. It is not just a Baltimore thing. The flight from Baltimore was taking place long before it became the murder capitol.


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