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Monday, March 16, 2020

Andrew Gillum to enter rehab facility

MIAMI, Fla. (CBS 12) — Former Tallahassee Mayor and Democratic candidate for governor Andrew Gillum said he's entering a rehab facility.

"After conversation with my family and deep reflection, I have made the decision to seek help, guidance and enter a rehabilitation facility at this time," Gillum said in a release. "This has been a wake-up call for me. Since my race for governor ended, I fell into a depression that has led to alcohol abuse. I witnessed my father suffer from alcoholism and I know the damaging effects it can have when untreated. I also know that alcoholism is often a symptom of deeper struggles. I am committed to doing the personal work to heal fully and show up in the world as a more complete person.

Gillum said he'll be stepping away from the public for the foreseeable future.



  1. For what? Hiring a gay hooker or passing out through illegal drug use?

  2. ,🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 Was Jake day there ?

  3. Boo hoo, cry me a river. The "deep reflection" part is hilarious! He got deeply busted is what he meant.

  4. He's a dumbocrat. In a few weeks he will be hailed a hero for overcoming the curse that plagued him.

  5. He'll be on the democratic ticket in 2028

  6. how many times was marion barry re-elected.

  7. He’s on the downlow, why doesn’t he just admit it?

  8. Typical. Blame the “loss” of the election on it when everyone knows it started long before that.


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