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Thursday, March 26, 2020

American Spirit Shines Amid Coronavirus Crisis

The American people are, in the words of President Donald Trump, “one big beautiful American family.” How true that is. Like family we get along with some more than others. We disagree on things, often loudly and vehemently. We argue and fight, laugh, cry, and love.

Yet no family in the world sets aside differences and strengthens each other in times of crisis more than the American people. Whether it be the aftermath of the radical Islamist terrorist attacks of 9/11, the surprise Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, a massive outbreak of tornadoes in the Midwest, or flooding following Hurricane Katrina, we come together to rescue our neighbor, comfort them, and help them put their lives back together.

And we do it spontaneously, without command or instruction. We see a need, and we rise to meet it; family helping family, neighbor helping neighbor. It is the epitome of the American spirit, a spirit unlike anywhere else in the world.

We saw it in 2016 with the Cajun Navy, an ad-hoc group of volunteers who hitched their boats to their trucks and drove toward Hurricane Katrina as it bore down on Louisiana. These heroes saved thousands of lives, plucking them from the raging waters that engulfed their homes. These same volunteers rescued thousands more following Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Florence, and Michael.

More here

1 comment:

  1. What part of “without command or instruction” do the Democrats not understand? Why do they want the federal government to micromanage everything? Just let freedom, liberty, our constitution, and capitalism light the way. That is the true American way.


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