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Tuesday, March 10, 2020

All USM schools to prepare for remote instruction following spring break

ADELPHI, Md. - The University System of Maryland chancellor urged all universities to prepare for students to remain off campus for at least two weeks or longer following spring week, in wake of the coronavirus ourtbreak.

On Tuesday, USM Chancellor Jay A. Perman said the during two weeks after spring break or longer, all USM universities should be prepared to deliver instruction remotely.

Perman released a statement that said in part: "Given this guidance, I understand that USM presidents may need to cancel classes one or more days this week so that students, faculty, and staff can plan for this change in schedule post-spring break. Preparation for campus departures and online instruction will vary among universities, and each USM president therefore has discretion to ensure that faculty and staff have adequate time to set these plans in motion. While this means that some classes may be canceled this week, all campuses will remain open before, during, and after spring break."



  1. So, everyone go on a 3 week Spring Break, catch the C-Virus big time then bring it back to SSU/Salisbury and UMES and spread it like crazy.

    1. When is this three-week spring break you speak of? Salisbury University and UMES has one week spring break next week. At this time the week after the break Salisbury University will be doing online classes for one week, as is scheduled right now.

  2. 4:33 Not how it works, dummy.


  4. 4:40 It isn't about dying (though, there will be deaths), it is about making sure we can still function as a functioning commerce. Look at Italy and S. Korea. Their entire economy has been shut down. Italy is talking about waiving next month's mortgage payments because no one is working and buying stuff. This is what we are trying to avoid.

  5. What a bunch a liberal cowards

  6. Because so many students at the local universities are from out-of-state, the Maryland University system has decided to try to pre-empt person-to-person transmission of this virus so that students do not take this virus home to potentially compromised family members. By limiting close contact in these type of conditions, it's hoped that the current rate of transmission slows.

    1. Baloney. Try getting close to the facts before making idiotic remarks.

  7. Its China collusion. The democrats and the chinesse are working together for a better america. They cant achieve this marxist utopia until trump is removed AT ALL COSTS..the global swamp did this to thawrt the sucess of the USA Throwing off the yokes from these luciferian NWO monsters. They do not care how many have to die to get it rolling again. Time to wake up and smell the hidden danger of rainbows Global agenda. USM reaction is the typical knee jerk reaction we can expect from the lost and weak minded. MD Likes to lead that libtarded charge to your imprisonment. Keep in mind its all for the children. Unless you decide to abort. Hip hip horray!!!

    1. Make sure you use double strength aluminum foil ...

  8. 6:01 you are clinically insane.

  9. Sure 8:00 crawl back under your rock or awaken and read the book

  10. My wife and I are so screwed if they let out public schools. We would be looking after 5 grands in 4 different schools and 5 different grades. I have Verizon 5 mbg/secnd or so and five kids that need to access the internet.


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