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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Alabama Senate passes bill to criminalize prescribing transgender treatments to children

Alabama’s Senate passed a bill that would make it a felony for doctors in the state to perform or prescribe gender-altering treatments on children under 19.

“I just don’t think, and others don’t think, that kids should be given experimental drugs or surgeries that could have irreversible consequences for the rest of their life,” state Sen. Shay Shelnutt, who introduced the bill, said.

The Republican-led state Senate passed the Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act on last week in a 22-3 vote. The bill will now move to the state’s House of Representatives, which has already passed a similar bill.



  1. It isn't often that we thank Alabama for much of anything but good college football, but in this case, THANK YOU!!!

  2. Most, not all Americans consider genital mutilation to be child abuse, yet some seem totally OK with gender-altering. Anyone but me find that weird?

  3. It's no more surreal than people taking Viagra. The whole culture is over sexualized for all the wrong reasons.

  4. Outlaw Transgenders they are sick in the head and need to be quarantined like Corona carriers.


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