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Sunday, March 08, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Check Out This Comment About Watermen From Realtor Carol Tinnin

Joe, I know this is off topic, but might be a great story for you blog: A local Remax Realtor made a nasty comment about local watermen on the shore and the shore in general.


  1. Where does fresh seafood come from?

    1. Then why are there no fresh seafood restaurants in Salisbury? Don’t even say that we have Brew River. Between the terrible service and the food with no flavor, I wouldn’t eat there if they provided free meals. Where else? I’ll tell you...nowhere. Red Lobster. Nope...Chain restaurant. We are supposed to be the seafood capital and don’t even have a seafood restaurant. Everybody says “go to Fratelli’s for a good crab cake”. Really? An Italian restaurant for seafood? No thanks.

    2. You do know Italy is on the Mediterranean Sea right? Plenty of great seafood recipes in the Italian cookbook

  2. "get a real job" OH Snap, she better get "woke" she has no clue what hellfire awaits her for that comment.

    next time she is chowing down on some crab-cakes or stuffed lobster she can thank her snooty a** that a waterman caught that

    Wow, just unreal !

  3. She is from Annapolis, so I am not surprised by her comments at all. When they think of the eastern shore, they think of OC, thats it! Everything else is just a bother to get thru.

  4. Yea, the watermen should get a real job...like becoming a realtor πŸ™„πŸ€£

  5. What she doesn't understand is that people drive to the Shore for the beach and other outdoor activities. Other than that, there are no jobs to create the consumer demand needed to drive more commercial industries. Even if industries that pay good middle to upper income wages wanted to come to the Shore, the population is generally too dumb to be hired for these skilled positions. Unfortunately the Shore is too far away for solid supply chain logistics to bring low skill warehouse jobs (example Amazon distribution centers).

    1. Where in the hades do you get off calling the general population a bunch of dumb uneducated hicks? There are plenty of people here who can fill any job offered. As far as logistics we have every form of transport to get goods anywhere in the country from air travel to transport by waterway. We still have a greatly under used rail system and trucking which can get goods anywhere up and down the east coast as well as Westward. US 13 runs from Maine to Florida, US 50 to California. U
      You are the one uneducated in what the eastern shore has to offer. It is the liberal politics that has run and kept industry from settling here. They have run out more businesses thinking they can tax them to death. For one the warehousing tax on your production supply. Something most have forgotten about. That's why you want a part for your car or a refrigerator it takes one day, it is warehouses out of the county or state. And now they want to tax us with the largest increase in history! Why would any company want to settle here.

    2. Bwahaha sure its the liberals. Thats the default answer to every problem apparently. There is a good thing there are plenty of actual data sets to back what i said. All you have is a pointless tirade. Good luck with that. Now enjoy your evening at whatever crap watering hole you sit at in Princess Anne most nights

    3. This is spot on! Not many areas can use waterways for transport. Its air or ground travel only. Where do these people think the things they enjoy come from? From seafood crops and livestock it all comes from people with dirty clothes. Waterman have to manage changes in catch limits laws seasons buyers weather the list is endless. It is a prime example of how out of touch people are. The people that do nothing to provide things people need to survive think they are so much smarter than people they will cry for when things hit the fan. Make her famous!

  6. Her REMAX profile :

    I fell into this business by chance as a recent college grad from the U of MD. I had been attending college full time as a Journalism major and working part time for General Electric Co. Upon graduation, I interviewed within GE and was turned down for a sales position selling washers and dryers to builders and appliance stores. I was told that they didn't think I was sales oriented enough! Well, that was a big mistake on their part but it opened the doors for me to a successful 20+ year career selling real estate. What they didn't know is that I was the little girl who was the top Girl Scout cookie salesman, I was the girl who sold Christmas cards in the broiling heat in July to save for a 10 speed bike, I was the girl who at the age of 5 sold home made pot holders! If it didn't walk, I would sell it!! So at the suggestion of my Dad, I took the real estate classes. As a recent college grad I could memorize an encyclopedia in a weekend and before I knew it I had passed the state licensing course the first time around. I dove in and started selling like crazy and haven't looked back since! So the ending of the story is....I did bump into the GE executive that didn't hire me years later and he asked how I was doing and where I was working. I told him I sold real estate for Re/Max and his jaw almost hit the ground. He knew, like most others, that you have to produce to be a Re/Max agent. So call me... I will sell, list or rent your property. And if you are a Girl Scout selling cookies...go get 'em! It's great training for a successful and rewarding sales career

    1. My she sounds pretty high on herself!

  7. She wouldn't last an hour out on the water culling crabs or oysters. Maybe the farmers should get real jobs too. Read your bible honey, some of the disciples were fishermen.

  8. Realtor aka ripping people OFF.

  9. She’s made a very, very bad mistake.


  10. Sounds like a Bloomberg convert. Note the journalism studies in her blurb. Who would want to open a store and deal with customers with her haughty attitude?

    Mebbe Bloomberg can teach her to code after the RE gig flames?

    Stay on the western shores, idiot!

  11. You cannot even go out to happy hour without seeing a metro sexual male realtor schmoozing or some wine sipping bimbo realtor with a laptop right on the bar and they blindly chat you up like they work for the Dept. of Tourism. Most of them are trapped in big National Agency Franchises that amount to pyramid schemes and are desperate to make sales to get their little trickle down share. If you look at their Blogs an Social media they fancy themselves foodies and scene and taste makers too like they are personally Branded Influencers . It's a bit tragic and desperate.

  12. Besides hurting some of y'all's feelings, is she wrong?

  13. There used to be some real good mid-income manufacturing jobs in this area but the unions got greedy and the jobs went away. Stupid is what it was just plain stupid.

    1. Are you talking about the one that was owned by the defense contractor dick chaney, who was actually pulling the strings of george w ?

  14. Anonymous said...
    She wouldn't last an hour out on the water culling crabs or oysters. Maybe the farmers should get real jobs too. Read your bible honey, some of the disciples were fishermen.

    March 2, 2020 at 4:17 PM

    You want to compare farmers to watermen? Really?

  15. Over farming? Really. Wow you just lost allot of potiential sales with that comment.might need to dust off that 10 speed with your sales slump on the horizon

  16. Pa why are some people from the western shore so mean? Well ya can't fix stupid Opie some folks is just borne that way.πŸ™„

  17. Ahh, petty arguing over something that doesn't matter. Live a good, honest life no matter what you do. The eastern shore is a collage of different cultures. Growing all the time in certain places. Now Salisbury is pretty much a ghetto town, even with the college. No business is going to invest where the candy ass liberals are running things into the ground. Hell, they can't even run a zoo. But, then again they are running a zoo. I guess the town is only big enough for one zoo, get it? Face it, it's a backward area, with spots of minimal growth, in comparison.

  18. Bottom Line...frankly dear, I don't give a DAM_ what you think. IF you don't like how we live here, our values and what we consider important; DON'T live here. Period!!! Are we perfect...NO...Does that mean we don't love our region known as the Delmarva Peninsula...NO...Most of us LOVE living here. I would consider you a fool...

  19. Y'all allowed this to come about. Don't complain. Do something about it.

    Nice and comfy now in Delaware......

  20. Truth hurts sometimes.
    This place has nothing.

  21. Anonymous said...
    Over farming? Really. Wow you just lost allot of potiential sales with that comment.might need to dust off that 10 speed with your sales slump on the horizon

    March 2, 2020 at 5:10 PM

    The first time you have heard of that? DNR and lawmakers enforcing limits, delaying opening seasons, restricting sizes of what can be harvested, etc. NONE of that impressed upon you what was happening in the waters? C'mon man. Less attacks and more facts.

  22. Compare watermen to farmers!
    No way they compare
    Watermen buy a boat, buy a license and plunder the bay for free for crabs,fish and oysters
    Farmers buy or rent land buy seed, fertilizer,chemicals, equipment,pray for rain and get paid what
    the poultry companies what to pay them
    No f%&ing comparison at all!

    1. Your farmers fertilizer and chemicals are what have ruined the bay, not overfishing. Do you have DNR stalking you every day asking to measure your corn? Do you buy an expensive tractor and a year later the state passes a regulation that you aren't allowed to use it but your still stuck with the payments? There are areas of our land so bad that after a heavy rain you pull up your pots and just 12 hours since your last fishing them the crabs are half dead from lack of oxygen. Watermen also pay out the nose to use the bay and have strict controls and limits in place that we have to obey. In the fishing industry they have to buy quota and then hope that they are able to fill it. For every commercial holder you have to use your licence or the state will take it away.
      Of course you read about an outlier breaking the rules, that is any industry but it is by no means more common on the water.
      Both farmers and watermen deserve our respect for what they do. They could easily make more money, at a less demanding job, a job that requires less skill, in which breaking the rules is common, unenforced, and bailed out by the taxpayer when the corruption becomes so bad it breaks the system...THEY COULD BECOME REALTORS!!!!

  23. Plenty of good paying jobs on the shore if you don’t mind working hard. Electricians, plumbers, and trade jobs pay well. People in general are lazy, not saying all people. I respect watermen and I am grateful for them. People like to make excuses for why they don’t make any money.

  24. What you NEED TO DO is set up evening surveillance and out a stop to all the immigrants from over fishing the local waterways. They are everywhere during the summer months running nets illegally taking any and all they can

  25. it opened the doors for me to a successful 20+ year career selling real estate.

    Don't any of you knuckleheads realize she has ALREADY made her money? Companies coming to the shore? Don't you think any company that would consider such a move would do their own research on the area and its population beforehand? If they ever read some of the comments on this blog or elsewhere, observed people's habits, the way they live, shop, entertain themselves, interact with each other, etc., those would also be a factor in any decision they would make.

    Any job would require training workers. No one comes out of the womb knowing anything. The same way you were trained to do something would also be afforded to others. No one is better or smarter than anyone else. Given the same opportunities, training, education, most people can do whatever anyone else can do.


    1. 7:16 - I agree with most of what you said, but you can't fix stupid

  26. She’s a realtor selling in a high market. Let’s see what she can do in the times like those after 2008......

  27. Wow! She not only said that, but WROTE that!!! What a slap in the face to the ENTIRE eastern shore community! I would suggest an appropriate response would be to entirely boycott ERA, for whom she works on the western shore, as clearly she could care less about our long standing communities here, in favor of her bottom line. If ERA were to take issue with her words, maybe that might change her tune.

  28. I don't think much of realtors today - all they do is list it on he web. No talent in that. It is dying breed. This gal is a loony tuneπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  29. Watermen and farmers great location to sell What people on shore need and you all know best. Sell your own inventory on crab traps and homemade tools... salesman sells to everyone.

  30. March 2, 2020 at 8:14 PM

    Obviously you have not been paying attention as our local foreclosure rate is back up to 8%.

    Which surprises no one because there is nothing here.

  31. J.C. said...
    Pa why are some people from the western shore so mean? Well ya can't fix stupid Opie some folks is just borne that way.πŸ™„

    March 2, 2020 at 5:18 PM

    There are mean ppl everywhere, lots of em on this blog.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Absolutely wrong 4:40

    March 2, 2020 at 9:21 PM

    Well, we'll just say that's a matter of opinion and leave it at that.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    She’s a realtor selling in a high market. Let’s see what she can do in the times like those after 2008......

    March 2, 2020 at 8:14 PM
    Anonymous said...
    I don't think much of realtors today - all they do is list it on he web. No talent in that. It is dying breed. This gal is a loony tuneπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    March 2, 2020 at 8:39 PM

    I don't think you know much about realtors at all, and you're not alone. Y'all wanna talk smack and call them dumb, fools, and whatever but I bet they earn more money than all of you.

    Regardless, everyone's job is important and each has a role to play.

  32. Her Facebook page has been plastered with hateful comments.

  33. Both farmers and watermen deserve our respect for what they do. They could easily make more money, at a less demanding job, a job that requires less skill, in which breaking the rules is common, unenforced, and bailed out by the taxpayer when the corruption becomes so bad it breaks the system...THEY COULD BECOME REALTORS!!!!

    March 3, 2020 at 12:48 AM

    Oh man, please.

  34. typical democrat elitist from annapolis. now all you hicks stfu and give us your money!

  35. Somebody needs an ass woopin'. How big a boy are ya.

  36. As the son of a lifelong waterman and from parents, one from Deal Island the other from Crisfield, I can only shake my head in amazement at the obtuse level of idiocy from this woman. She wouldn't last an hour pulling crab pots and her job is akin to a parasite in a deal between two parties. Underworked and overpaid.

  37. obtuse level of idiocy

    Is that really a thing?

  38. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    7:16 - I agree with most of what you said, but you can't fix stupid

    March 3, 2020 at 12:33 PM

    ty. No, it's almost impossible to fix stupid, especially when ppl FIGHT to remain stupid.

  39. The better than thou superiors from the western shore continue to amaze me.They believe us watermen,farmers and local business owners are all hicks---BUT THEY CONTINUE TO VISIT THE SHORE AND SPEND THEIR MONEY LIKE A IGNORANT CROWD OF DRUNKEN SAILORS ON LEAVE..WE CLEAN THEIR CLOCK ON THEIR EVERY VISIT.--SO WHO IS THE DUMB ASS? SO COME ON DOWN U ALL.CASH IS PREFERRED!!!!

  40. @659 I think so. Some people are so mind-numbingly idiotic it requires a second descriptor to cover it.

  41. Anonymous said...Then why are there no fresh seafood restaurants in Salisbury? March 2, 2020 at 6:07 PM

    LOL Best comment ever.
    Because your diverse 40% in poverty 70% rental population can't / won't spend the $$ on that.

    They go to skipjacks to get their seafood, and fat boys - who ironically sell frozen china shrimp/seafood (fatboys)

    You have to go to OC to find a decent meal

  42. Obviously a misperception at its best!

  43. I try not to say offensive things because they can never be unsaid,and an apology never completely fixes anything.

  44. A Realtor telling others to get a real job? With MLS accessible via the internet, nobody needs a realtor anymore. Allll the legal requirements are handled by a lawyer.

  45. Anonymous said...
    This is spot on! Not many areas can use waterways for transport. Its air or ground travel only. Where do these people think the things they enjoy come from? From seafood crops and livestock it all comes from people with dirty clothes. Waterman have to manage changes in catch limits laws seasons buyers weather the list is endless. It is a prime example of how out of touch people are. The people that do nothing to provide things people need to survive think they are so much smarter than people they will cry for when things hit the fan. Make her famous!

    March 2, 2020 at 6:49 PM

    You are spot on. These people across the bridge are so out of touch with what goes on down here, this is why its always a battle with those that are elected across the bridge to. they think they know whats best for us, when they don't have a clue of whats what with the farmers or the watermen. We deal with laws passed by them that does not affect us or gets passed because they don't have a clue. What fits for them does not fit for us. She needs to stay across that bridge and not sink her lips into anything that a watermen or farmer sends to market. well i guess....she goes hungry.

  46. she has now either hidden or deactivated the page. Its not there now.

  47. Most watermen are dumb as a brick , can't spell , read or write . They put in time on the water because they don't want to work like a man . If it rains , time off , if it snows time off , if it blows time off , if it's cold time off , if it's hot time off , if a hang over time off (many times ). work equals 2 days a week if lucky .

    1. Maybe that’s how your father was but not the watermen

  48. 12:48 current news says the runoff from Pa coming thru the Conowingo dam is the source of most of the bay pollution.You all need to stop bashing the farmers because you might not have farmers in the future and all there will be is beyond meat.

  49. A real job. Like a real estate ho.

  50. @421 Guaranteed you won't stand in front of a single one of them and talk that smack. Talking tough from behind a computer like all soy boys do.

    Watermen die early boy, all of them, because the work is hard.

  51. Some of the less lucky die of melanoma from tens of thousands of unprotected hours in the sun.


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