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Friday, March 27, 2020

A Coronavirus Great Awakening?

Could a plague of biblical proportions be America’s best hope for religious revival? As the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II approaches, there is reason to think so.

Three-quarters of a century has dimmed the memory of that gruesome conflict and its terrible consequences: tens of millions killed, great cities bombed to rubble, Europe and Asia stricken by hunger and poverty. Those who survived the war had to grapple with the kinds of profound questions that only arise in the aftermath of calamity. Gazing at the ruins from his window at Cambridge University, British historian Herbert Butterfield chose to make sense of it by turning to the Hebrew Bible.

“The power of the Old Testament teaching on history—perhaps the point at which the ancient Jews were most original, breaking away from the religious thought of the other peoples around them—lay precisely in the region of truths which sprang from a reflection on catastrophe and cataclysm,” Butterfield wrote in “Christianity and History” (1949). “It is almost impossible properly to appreciate the higher developments in the historical reflection of the Old Testament except in another age which has experienced (or has found itself confronted with) colossal cataclysm.”

Americans, chastened by the horrors of war, turned to faith in search of truth and meaning. In the late 1940s, Gallup surveys showed more than three-quarters of Americans were members of a house of worship, compared with about half today. Congress added the words “under God” to the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954. Some would later call this a Third Great Awakening.



  1. It's our only hope. Always has been.

  2. Not with all the churches closed.

  3. I pray we "resurrect" our faith and give praise, glory, and honor to God and revere Jesus as our risen Lord and savior of the world. Look at America today, we have our own version of Sodom and Gomorrah with Hollywood enthusiastically and encouragingly leading the way and progressive liberal politics turning a blind eye.

  4. I sure hope not.

    It would be a huge step backwards.

    I recently read a story about a preacher that called this thing a hoax, talked about the power of prayer, that just died from this virus. That's all I need to know about what any God's involvement in this is.

    It's makes it glaringly obvious that there is no God. But I guess never squander a good tragedy, glom on, take advantage of scared people who are too stupid to critically think, then use this to get a strangle hold on the government to push religious agendas.

    It's sad... and not good for humanity. It is a huge step backwards.

  5. I need a strong Drink after Reading those last couple of Post !!

  6. God (Nature) did NOT make this virus.
    It is human


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