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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

250 People At Playground Leads HoCo Officials To Shut Park Gates

HOWARD COUNTY, MD — As the increasing number of new coronavirus cases prompts Maryland authorities to ask people to practice social distancing, the Howard County Recreation and Parks Department has shut down all county park gates. However, people wanting fresh air and a stroll in nature are allowed in the parks via access walking paths, the department said.

"Unfortunately, due to the overwhelming popularity of our parks these past couple of days, the decision was made yesterday evening to close all county park gates. Over the last two days, recreation and parks staff have been monitoring our parks to see how they are being used. What we have observed is that while enjoying our parks, the social distancing practices we've been instructed to follow by federal, state and local health officers are not being followed," the department posted on its Facebook page.

In fact, at one point, recreation and parks staff found more than 250 people on and around a playground, an estimated 50 people on a basketball court and the parking area at Centennial Park South almost full.



  1. Next week when the numbers go into the 10s of thousand and media goes full on panic people will think differently.

  2. Why weren't they arrested like Hogan ranted about??

    1. No body can arrestMarch 19, 2020 at 5:39 AM

      Hogan State Police Body attachments are LOOSERS who cannot work the road because of complaints

  3. Luciferian lies and deception. Amazing how easily they pulled this sham off.

  4. I'm not commenting on the gathering (right or wrong) but... if you want to see EXACTLY how government will takeover one day, kind of like the USSR, Nazi Germany, Venezuela, etc., this is how you do it. Declare an emergency and start to take away individual rights "for the good of the whole". Maybe this is one big trial run.
    Many states are already doing that with guns. Declaring an 'emergency' for the good of the masses and chipping away at our individual rights.

  5. 50 people on the BASKETBALL court, go figure.....

  6. 6:46 AM You said it! Its sickening to see so many "Conservatives" who were yelling about "Freedom! Bill of Rights! Liberty!" only three months ago are now voluntarily allowing the state to strip all rights. I never thought America would so voluntarily subject itself to totalitarianism.

  7. 6:45 exactly right.


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