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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

20-year-old with coronavirus reports experiencing ‘very different’ symptoms

A 20-year-old American woman who tested positive for the novel coronavirus said she suffered symptoms that hadn’t previously been associated with the infection, including hearing loss.

Julia Buscaglia — who was staying in Italy when she first started showing symptoms — decided to share her story in a now-viral Twitter thread because “others are reporting very different experiences than mine,” she wrote.

“I guess why I’m telling you all of this is because what they are telling you are symptoms are not ALL symptoms,” she added. “And you do NOT have to have the symptoms to be positive. The only symptom I had that was similar was a fever.”



  1. It affects much more than the lungs.

  2. Right, a engineered bio weapon would do that!!!!

  3. People are so stupid.


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