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Sunday, March 08, 2020

15 MILLION people will die and the global economy will take a $2.3 TRILLION hit from coronavirus in the BEST-CASE scenario, new study predicts

The global death toll from coronavirus could reach as high as 15million even in the best-case pandemic scenario, a new study says.

The research by the Australian National University also found that global GDP could shrink by as much as $2.3trillion even in what they call a 'low-end' pandemic.

In the most disastrous scenario, the death toll could reach a staggering 68million including hundreds of thousands of deaths in Britain and the United States.

In that worst-case pandemic, some countries' economies would shrink by as much as eight per cent in a global meltdown.



  1. Blah, Blah, Blah...fear mongering continues. Just ignore the ignorant...
    Why are we Panicked? As of March 06, 2020 at 18:33 GMT, there have been 252 confirmed cases and 14 deaths due to coronavirus COVID-19 in the United States. NOW let's look at the FLU stats...from CDC there have been 8200 deaths. CAN Someone tell me why we are panicking??? The FLU is much worse than this stupid virus.
    IF you didn't learn math under the Common Core system; you should be able to understand this.

    1. Lol while I agree, no one should panic, I find it funny you try to question someone's math skills. By your numbers, 5% of those who tested positive died. Thats a higher mortality rate than the flu, including historical pandemics (spanish flu). Lol

  2. Sooo tired of this BS.

    How many die of flue year after year and how many trillions does that cost?


    "Never let a crisis go to waste"

    Got it cupcakes????

  3. Have No Fear The Remaining Of Us Will Still Vote TRUMP!!!!!

  4. Every election year has a disease

    SARS ———2004


  5. 11:05 We are “panicking” because the Chinese and world Communists, Democrats and American media want Trump gone. They’ve tried everything else and failed.
    They want power. He and America are in the way so they released a biological weapon. The Communist flu. They knew the American media would run with it and trash the economy and create a firestorm to blame on Trump. Never mind the truth, statistics and facts.
    #Resist Communism. Trump 2020

  6. This is all being hyped up to destroy the stock market and the economy. Its the best under Trump that it has been in over 50 years. They have not been successful in taking Trump down so now they have conjured up another way. Or so they think. Listen folks, most of you if you get it may not even know you have it unless you get tested for it. Most will only show cold, upper resiratory or flu like symptoms. Most will not have a problem if they get it as long as you take the normal meds that you would to treat either of the above sicknesses. The only ones that have anything to be concerned about are the elderly or those with weakened immune systems. They would also have a problem with either of the above as well. This is all about trying to get Trump out and making him look bad. Don't fall for it. Use common sense and keep your hands clean and away from your face as you should during cold/flu season anyway. Your'e being lied to! The Democrat mantra.....Never let a good crisis go to waste.

  7. Keep it in perspective. We lose 50,000 in the United States every year just in automobile wrecks. Are we going to ban automobiles?

  8. I am convinced this virus is a bioweapon released to serve as a Black Swan Event. The BSE will get the trigger for an economic reset.

    In other words, the economy is the target not the deaths of citizens. The deaths don’t bother the military elites. But they aren’t the point of the virus.

    The Central Banking Families have destroyed all of the fiat currencies since 2008. They are printing money at a pace never seen before.

  9. The real threat is that China makes 97 percent of our antibiotics, they can release a biological attack and then refuse shipments

  10. Oh...and by the way, the sky is falling.

  11. Well the fifteen million dead will help with the global warming problem, Greta said there are too many people on the planet causing a large amount of carbon emissions.

  12. The Corona virus is mainly spread by TDS...

  13. Antibiotics are ineffective against viruses 8:06

    1. Pull out the benadryl. These folks are allergic to facts

  14. And the ice caps would be gone by 2018

  15. 7:24

    The lefties are trying to ban PRIVATE automobiles.

    Your car is you freedom.

  16. This virous epidemic has as much truth in it as Hillary Clinton!


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