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Saturday, February 29, 2020

Yes, Women and Minorities Should Own Firearms

The next time a criminal tries to steal a woman’s purse or assault a seemingly defenseless female walking back to her apartment, he’s more likely to be staring down the barrel of a handgun. And she’s probably well trained on how to use that weapon. It’s the age of the firearm feminist, and it’s driving the Left crazy.

Igor Volsky, executive director of Guns Down America and former vice president of the Center for American Progress, recently complained that “gun makers are softening their image” in order to appeal to “women, children, and members of minority groups.”

But that’s good news, Igor.

Women and minorities should take advantage of their right to self-defense and learn how to protect themselves, especially in leftist-dominated urban centers where Rule of Law takes a backseat to “social justice.” And if children grow up knowing why the Second Amendment is important, they’ll learn how to become responsible gun owners themselves.

“People like Igor Volsky make a good living making a boogeyman out of the firearms industry,” writes Gabriella Hoffman at The Resurgent. “If he placed the same energy on criminals who are solely responsible for gun crimes rather than innocent law-abiding gun owners, perhaps he would be a more effective advocate of true gun safety.”



  1. I am woman, watch me shoot!

  2. Democrats say no minorities or women should have a gun

  3. I'm a woman and proud owner of an AR-15... come get it...if you dare

  4. If you are responsible and legally able to own a gun you should especially a woman. I believe anyone who wants to and can should. The evil person that has bad intentions on their minds may think twice if they know the 20 something young lady maybe packing a 40 S&W. Or the little old ladies purse isn't worth the dirty Harry.357. Bullies do not beat on people they don't think they can.

  5. There's a "joke" about police pulling over an old lady.. he asks, and she tells officer she has .357 in purse, .45 in glove compartment and 9 mm in center console..he asks what she's afraid of...she says not a damn thing!

  6. Dirty Harry used the .44 Magnum.


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