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Thursday, February 20, 2020

Wisconsin parents hit school district with lawsuit over transgender identity policy

Parents in Wisconsin are suing a public school district over a policy they claim allows children to “socially transition” their gender identity without parental consent.

The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty filed the suit Tuesday on behalf of 14 parents against the Madison Metropolitan School District. The lawsuit claims that a school policy enacted in 2018 requires teachers to “enable” students to “socially transition to a different gender identity” without parental consent or knowledge.

"Madison schools have adopted policies that violate constitutionally recognized parental rights. A public school district should not and cannot make decisions reserved for parents," WILL President Rick Esenberg said in a statement.



  1. Ohfergodsakes.

    Schools shouldn’t be involved in this nonsense. If they want to frolick in dresses and wigs, let them do it at home or with friends.

  2. Better fight back or it will never stop, these weirdos will literally qualify as teachers pretty soon.


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