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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver To Fight Cancer Diagnosis

While I have fielded multiple phone calls over the past two weeks from concerned friends and citizens I chose to leave Bob's diagnosis a private matter. It takes time to get second and third opinions and believe me, each diagnosis has changed for the better.

Bob isn't going anywhere. He is your County Executive and he will remain as such. I can assure you if there comes a day Bob can't perform his duties he will step aside. However, in the mean time he's fine. Just look at Governor Hogan. His diagnosis was a lot worse. He fought it and he has survived, as will Bob. 

So stop the rumors. Let Bob allow the professionals to do their due diligence and in the near future he can at his choosing let everyone know where his health stands. In the mean time, offer your thoughts and prayers for a recovery and peace of mind. 


  1. Bob - you've shown a lot of courage to be so forth coming with your fight. You have a lot of grit and determination. We are blessed in Maryland to have Johns Hopkins! The combination of great doctors and your positive attitude will surely lead to a successful outcome. Hope you are feeling all the prayers that are covering you. God Bless!

  2. Bob, you are a long time friend and I am praying for a speedy recovery. We need you as county executive, but we need you to be well even more. Do what you have to do in order to beat the cancer

  3. Courageous, ethical, committed--this is a man.

  4. Stay strong Bob and get well soon brother.

  5. I respect and applaud the only good person we have in office. The mayor and Governor are and act like children. Best wishes for your fight and you restore what dignity we have in this community.

  6. Wishing you a complete recovery. Prayers!

  7. I hated seeing this 'news' :( I know when I say "we, I speak for MANY people. We love you as a person and as our County Executive. We'll pray for you and stand with you to help you through this! Stay strong!

    Deb Book

  8. Get well bob I will be praying 🙏 for you.

  9. Bob, my husband and I will be praying for you as you start this Cancer journey. They do have a great Cancer Center at John Hopkins and they have many great Doctors that are very compassionate. You are a strong person so I believe you can beat this without a doubt.

  10. Liver cancer. Tough one to beat. I wish him the best in his fight for life.

  11. I also respect Bob Culver. My husband and I will be praying for you, Bob, for recovery and return to good health.

  12. You can beat it Bob!

    Thanks for being one of the few honest politicians left out there. You have my prayers.

    God Bless,
    Wayne King


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