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Saturday, February 29, 2020

'White supremacists have done it': AOC compares religious liberty advocates to racists using Bible 'to justify bigotry'

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said religious liberty advocates are "weaponizing" the Bible to "justify bigotry," much like "those who justified slavery did."

During a Thursday House Oversight Committee hearing about the Trump administration's "religious liberty assault on LGBTQ rights," Ocasio-Cortez said people using religious exemptions to exclude gay and transgender citizens remind her of those who "weaponized" Scripture to enable slavery, white supremacy, and racism.

"It's very difficult to sit here and listen to arguments in the long history of this country of using Scripture and weaponizing and abusing Scripture to justify bigotry," the New York Democrat said to the panelists present at the committee hearing. "White supremacists have done it. Those who justified slavery did it. Those who fought against integration did it, and we're seeing it today."



  1. Said the woman who follows a religion that advocates and practices burning their women alive for going outside without a man, killing people who don't believe what they do, lying to achieve their goals, raping children (raping grown women, too), and currently and actively participating in the slavery trade

    Her credibility is ZERO.

    When are they going to prosecute this whore for marrying her brother in order to circumvent and/or avoid our immigration laws???

    My attorney told me that if immigration authorities find that my wife and I LIED or deceived them in ANY WAY about ANY question, our chances for immigration approval go down somewhere around zero. ANY LIE.

    Do you see Two Sets of Laws here??? We, the people get jailed and fined.
    SHE runs for re-election. Start the hanging, PLEASE.

    Keep cheering.

    1. Couldn’t find a red blooded American? I’m not surprised.
      Keep cheering

  2. I just saw some wacky idea on FB of a Dem win in 2020, with Kamala Harris chosen as the head of DOJ, and, get this, AOC as the U.S. rep to the UN.

  3. 12:53 Yes, she is as stupid as a tree stump but, you have the wrong dumbass squad member. That would be Omar that married her brother.

  4. AOC

    Making fun of believers and our GOD is not going to be good for you.

    In the Story of David and Goliath...left progressives like you ridiculed believers, threatened us...

    David came to the battle and took care of buisness

    and PRESIDENT TRUMP will do the same for his People


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