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Thursday, February 13, 2020

West Virginia Senate unanimously passes 'born alive' abortion bill

The West Virginia Senate passed a bill mandating that doctors give care to infants born alive after an attempted abortion.

The state's Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act calls for making doctors and other medical officials who perform abortions subject to disciplinary action from their licensing boards if they fail to provide proper care to babies who survive abortions.

West Virginia law already prohibits abortions after 20 weeks, and lawmakers acknowledged that murder is already a crime in the state before passing the bill unanimously. Critics of the bill accused Republicans of attempting to "gin up the base" because existing laws already protect newborns.



  1. Only under Communism would a state legislature find it necessary to pass this law. It is unbelievable that doctors who took the Hypocratic Oath would need to be told to take care of a baby.

    Simply unbelievable

  2. 3:12--
    Maybe this is to get it in writing, lest the Dems take over like Virginia & allow newborns to be slaughtered. How you can call it communism, when you obviously don't understand the terminology? Just a buzzword to some, just like racist, etc., when it differs from your opinion!


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