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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Wednesday Morning Funnies


  1. The State trooper meme is cute but fake news.
    Everyone knows cops speed with zeal. They blow your doors off at 75 in a 55 all the time, that’s why they are irrelevant, have zero standing and are loathed by society now. They are like Democrat politicians. The law isn’t for them.

  2. 5:51, the next time you need assistance....call a democrat.

  3. After seeing a guy with multiple face piercings (lip, nose, eyebrows) I could see the confusion on my young kids faces so I explained the best way I knew how..."It looks like that dude fell in the tackle box!"

  4. There is no doubt simply based on news stories, being a policeman of any type is a very dangerous profession. For the most part on the highways, I have been passed by police even though I was driving in excess of the speed limit. It is my opinion that they may be positioning themselves to identify a driver truly driving in extreme excess of the speed limit. I look at this way, it good to see the police presence and if they are exceeding the speed limit in a dangerous and wreck less manner, we always have the option of reporting it.

  5. Reporting it to whom, may I ask, 10:15? The police? The MSM presstitutes? The Mayor?

    Wow, just look at how smart you are! LOL!

  6. February 19, 2020 at 5:51 AM:

    Cops will tell you they never catch a speeder by running the speed limit. Only a fool would pass a patrol car. The cops catch speeders by catching up with them. Duh. You are right about one thing though, the speed laws are not for them. They have a license to drive as fast as they deem necessary. They can drive 100MPH+ and not be in violation of the law. You can't, and it obviously irks you. You want to drive fast with immunity? Become a cop like many of my lead footed friends back in school did.

  7. The next time your child is missing or your house broken into you will appreciate the police helping you.


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