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Monday, February 10, 2020

‘We will bring the fire’: 'Squad' member Ayanna Pressley threatens those who ‘don’t see the light’

Rep. Ayanna Pressley said she intends to "bring the fire" if Americans don't adopt her political ideology during a conversation with NPR's Democracy Now as part of the nonprofit organization Rising Majority's conversation with "the Squad."

"As I said when we were at the border, we're going to keep telling and elevating these stories with the hopes that you will see the light," said Pressley. "And if you don't see the light, then we will bring the fire. That's just how it progresses."

Pressley made the comments in a panel discussion at Howard University in Washington with Reps. Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Rashida Tlaib, all Democrats. Each of the members has vocalized frustration with President Trump's immigration policies, with Ocasio-Cortez comparing the border detention centers to "concentration camps."



  1. Why wait? Bring it now. Let's get this done!

  2. He who talks the loudest usually has the most to hide!! These POS don't want anything

  3. NPR. How unexpected.

  4. And there is the promise of a communist, violent, dictatorship.

  5. Libby men let their women do their fighting anyway. So there's that to deal with...

  6. You bring the fire, we'll bring pork hotdogs and marshmellows.

  7. Does she think her and her pink and green colored hair friends are the only ones who can "bring the fire"??

    Fire for effect.

    No suppressing fire will be needed. You already have a good idea why.

    Keep cheering.

    1. 1:22- why do you always end with keep cheering? Who here is cheering her?

  8. Confirming that she IS a domestic terrorist!
    Arrest her, convict her of treason in time of war (I believe we are still technically at war) - then hang the beeyotch!


  9. Sounds like plain old fascism to me.

  10. These people need to fear walking the streets

  11. Bring it Biatch


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