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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Virginia Passes Bill to Give Electoral Votes to Popular Vote Winner

The Virginia House of Delegates has passed legislation seeking to award its electoral votes to whomever the wins the popular vote.

House Bill 177 passed with a 51-46 vote in the Democrat-majority House after being handed off by the Privileges and Elections Committee last week. Should the Senate also approve, Virginia will officially become part of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.

“Under the compact, Virginia agrees to award its electoral votes to the presidential ticket that receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia,” a bill summary states. Further:
The compact goes into effect when states cumulatively possessing a majority of the electoral votes have joined the compact. A state may withdraw from the compact; however, a withdrawal occurring within six months of the end of a President’s term shall not become effective until a President or Vice President has qualified to serve the next term.
So far, 15 states, along with Washington D.C., have joined. The idea gained momentum as an answer to President Donald Trump’s electoral college victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016, despite her approximately three million popular vote lead.



  1. Also to allow illegals to vote and have drivers licenses.

  2. Fantastico, excelente !!

  3. Looks like Trump will be getting virginia's electoral votes
    TRUMP 2020

    1. And the Dems in Virginia will be thrown out if people realise that their vote no longer counts there.

  4. Many Americans are too stupid to understand Communism. They don’t recognize it.

  5. A vote for Democrats is a vote against America.

  6. My government in VA does not represent me anymore. Time to change party.

  7. They are doing everything they can to make sure that President Trump doesn't win Re-election. When the Civil War happens these Democrats better be the first people you hunt down.

  8. Unconstitutional

    it will be thrown out

  9. Virginia sounds like a f'd up state...

  10. Here we go again !!! Democrats trying to Change anything to
    Help Themselves CHEAT !!!!!

  11. Dont under estimate these luciferians people!! We see how they, stick together, cover each other, deceive us attempt media mind control , 911 phych ops. The whos whos list of players partaking in this evil theather is becoming very apparent. Better pray real hard the GOOD lord save us from what appears a bleak future if we allow these NWO stooges to steal this election. Virgina is a prime example of evil money working from the local levels up. Hence the illegals push. BETTER WAKE UP AND PRAY but keep your powder dry and skills sharp. Maryland is working real hard to lean luciferian itself!!

  12. Dont under estimate these luciferians people!! We see how they, stick together, cover each other, deceive us attempt media mind control , 911 phych ops. The whos whos list of players partaking in this evil theather is becoming very apparent. Better pray real hard the GOOD lord save us from what appears a bleak future if we allow these NWO stooges to steal this election. Virgina is a prime example of evil money working from the local levels up. Hence the illegals push. BETTER WAKE UP AND PRAY but keep your powder dry and skills sharp. Maryland is working real hard to lean luciferian itself!!


  14. I have voted mostly for conservative candidates all my life. My vote here in MD. has not been worth any thing since this part of MD. was re-district to be part of Montgomery Co. I hope it backfires and they feel the disappointment of helplessness.

  15. 2:17 your a moron, you can go to the SC all you wish, but if they won't hear the case then what?? Moron

  16. So now I can say with out anything standing in the way and now it is OFFICIALLY a true statement, even though it has always been true before when I say it...

    I TOLD YOU, YOUR VOTE DOESN'T COUNT, and not it REALLY DOESN'T COUNT!!!! Well in those 15 states now anyway!!!

    But you all love being slaves for some reason... Just love it!!!

  17. 712, how so? How is it a bad thing to have the elected state officials, who are much closer to the pulse of the people, decide that their state would with the will of the nation as a whole?

  18. They are giving their electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote nationwide, so Virginia residents just lost their vote.

  19. Trump WINS 2020 Regardless what they try to pull !!!

  20. @6:52

    Oh you didn't know? Trump didn't win the popular vote... in fact he lost with much less votes than Hillary.

    The electoral college was a brilliant idea by our founders to prevent the largest states calling the shots, an VA is in the wrong side of history on this. Trump DID win the electoral college vote, and is likely to do so in 2020. The insane field of candidates the Democrats trotted out is shockingly inept at being able to challenge Trump.

  21. Boy are those same democrats going to be pissed when Trump WINS the popular vote in a landslide in the next election. Just like Maryland, where Baltimore will swing the state to whoever the Democrat candidate is, but our electoral votes will go to Trump. See how fast they change the law again. Maryland charged our electoral college vote law after Bush won. What Virginia and Maryland did, was to take away the state citizens right to vote for and select who gets our electoral college votes. No need to vote at all. We have no voice. Our state legislators have given our electoral votes to whoever wins the popular vote in the country. Yep, no voice at all in the presidential elections, unless it matches the popular vote. Our state governments are just as corrupt as the federal government.

  22. The electoral college should not be eliminated. Trump will win in 2020 unless Democrats get away with massive cheating. But the electoral college guarantees that less populated states' citizens vote counts.

  23. Va govt does NOT have the authority to change the system !!!!


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