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Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Virginia legislature kills Northam gun bill

The Senate Judiciary Committee of the Virginia legislature rejected a bill introduced by Gov. Ralph Northam that would have made allowing a gun to fall into the hands of a child a felony.

As drafted, Northam's bill would have mandated that anyone who "recklessly leave[s] a loaded, unsecured firearm” in a place where it could be accessed by a child be charged with a felony. Current Virginia law charges people found responsible in such situations with a misdemeanor.

“This bill will keep children safe from loaded, unsecured firearms. Like Gov. Northam’s other commonsense gun safety measures, it is something that everyone — including responsible gun owners — should support,” the governor's spokeswoman said in a statement.



  1. The bill would not have KEPT CHILDREN SAFE

    Instead, it would have prosecuted people who left a loaded firearm available. Big difference.

    Politicians who are working for the Communist Masters (bankers) always make claims that are untrue. They are liars, like their father, Satan

  2. Northam truly is stupid.


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