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Saturday, February 22, 2020

Virginia lawmakers say they have a deal on ‘red flag’ law that will allow guns to be taken temporarily from people deemed dangerous

Key state lawmakers have come to a consensus on a bill that allows police to temporarily seize guns from people deemed by a judge a risk to themselves or others.

The lawmakers sponsoring the Senate and House versions of an extreme risk protection order, also known as the “red flag” law, have come to an agreement, which largely reflects the Senate’s version.

The bill has been heavily debated in both chambers and is part of a package of gun control legislation backed by Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam that has dominated much of the session. Most of the bills have advanced in some form in both chambers.



  1. The Nazi Government (funded by NY and London Jewish bankers) regarded non-elite blood lines of European Jews to be dangerous. And of course all mentally ill people were considered dangerous.

    Bolshevik Russians considered Christians to be dangerous.

  2. "Temporarily" means permanently, unless the person can pay out of pocket for legal intervention.

  3. MD law does the same thing except maybe there is no Judge involved. Right HOGAN?

  4. Yup, it is that one person can call the police anomalously and say "Mr. Doe is acting funny and I think he might harm himself or someone else". and the cops will kick in the doors and grab all of his guns. He then has to hire a lawyer to go to court with him to request a hearing date to be examined by the court as to his competency and danger to the public. If found unfit his guns are held forever. In two years he can try again to get them back.

  5. Start shooting.

    SOMEONE has to take a stand.

    This slippery slope you cheerleaders have constructed ends in a cliff with a HUGE drop.

    Keep cheering.

  6. Lawyer Stated thay can't touch mine for this BS ,since I have them in a "GUN TRUST".

  7. Violates the fourth and fifth amendments of the US Constitution.

    Illegal search and seizure and due process.

  8. Don't act like a nutter and you have no issues. If it goes before a judge it has to come with evidence or it will be overturned and the judge can potentially lose his seat under gross malfeasance. It's a decent compromise and they will never be able to disarm the population with it.


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