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Sunday, February 16, 2020


Video footage uploaded to social media from inside the Virginia State Capitol shows a group of State Troopers ejecting citizens from the meeting room of the House Public Safety Committee as lawmakers voted to advance the latest in a series of Bloomberg-sponsored gun control and confiscation bills.

“Up and out” a Trooper can be heard shouting as he removes the public from the open meeting room. “Everybody! Everybody in here sitting it doesn’t matter you need to get out now!”

According to those in attendance, Virginia State Police gave spectators 30 seconds to vacate the room or face arrest.

Interestingly enough, just as Chairman Patrick Hope (D-47) signaled for spectators to be removed, the Public Safety Committee’s usual live stream was cut.



  1. Why do they have anything to be scared of? Why are the State Police removing people from an open public meeting? The sheep are being herded and the wolves are eating the hens from what I can see and hear.

  2. Some Democracy , just Eject citizen Voters from the room !!!

  3. Semi automatic is common use.... It’s never been about ar 15s

  4. This is what communism looks like.

  5. Police personal info database is up and running in Virginia. They are adding home addresses by the dozens daily.
    The good guys know where these anti constitutional brown shirts live now!
    That is the only way to stop the Democrats now.
    Eliminate the will of the enforcer. At least let them know there will be a heavy price to pay for supporting Democrats.
    Without the Government guns, they have no protection. [or authority]

  6. Lewis is warming up his Deuce and a half .

    He will break into your home without Warrant to get your guns.

    This is pretty sad....

    President Trump should issue an Executive Order to stop this non sense, before all hell breaks loose

    1. Lewis doesn't have a Deuce an a half

  7. virginia is for LOSERS!

  8. And now you are seeing the police will not protect your 2A rights, they are protecting their paychecks. Period. If Virginia needs storm troopers, then the VA State police are available. America's future.

  9. If anyone had any questions about which way the Gestapo is going on this, watch the video.

    When the time comes (and it IS coming), they will kick your door down and shoot you for whatever reason the politicians give them.

    Barking orders to citizens in a public meeting.

    And wearing guns to make sure they get their way.

    But ammo now. And don't register anything.
    Keep cheering.

  10. 8:35 that covers every gun a civilian can own!!! Think about that moron!!!

  11. Some one needs to tell the lawmakers that after the citizens are disarmed congress will no longer be needed. They will lose their positions and personal protection details too. Their shock will almost be hilarious. Virginia is opening the first can of worms, another way to say it is, putting law enforcement officers against law abiding citizens. Massive new prisons will be needed throughout this country if this is not halted in Virginia

  12. I'm constantly reminded of all the complete morons that fail to recognize that the 2nd amendment DOES NOT grant the right to the people to keep and bear arms. It RESTRICTS the government from infringing on our natural rights.

    1. Looks like you failed reading class in elementary school and never recovered 10:54

  13. I guess now that the Democrats are in control in Virginia, they can resurrect the KKK, and legalize the wearing of blackface.

    1. And maybe put the Confederate statues back in place

  14. February 12, 2020 at 10:54 AM;

    It is obvious that you have never read the 2nd amendment. It ends with "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Notice the quotes.

    The word "right" is right there. See it? You can't deny it. And the "right" is to keep and bear arms. It says nothing about infringing on our "natural rights." You are just making crap up. You are certainly the moron here, no, make that "complete moron." Better stay "unknown" if you don't want your friends calling you stupid. The constitution, as it is written, makes it a RIGHT to keep and bear arms. Words matter. You can't omit them from the constitution to suit your political agenda.


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