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Monday, February 17, 2020

U.S. Leads World in Decreasing CO2 Emissions

When President Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from the dubious Paris Agreement in June 2017, climate activists, world leaders, and the Democrat Media Complex immediately protested, declaring that the Trump administration was signaling its intention to increase CO2 emissions. Fast-forward to Tuesday’s report from the International Energy Agency (IEA) evaluating CO2 emissions around the globe. Lo and behold, the U.S. led the world in 2019 for “the largest decline in energy-related CO2 emissions.” The IEA’s report further noted that “US emissions are now down almost 1 Gt [gross tonnage] from their peak in the year 2000, the largest absolute decline by any country over that period.” As Sen. Ted Cruz observed, that’s a “fact you will never see on the 6 o'clock news.”

In fact, far from the dire predictions since Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, the U.S. has not only continued its trend of decreasing CO2 emissions but increased the rate of the decrease. The primary cause for this precipitous decline is not due to more government regulation; rather it has everything to do with the government getting out of the way of innovation brought on by capitalistic enterprise. “Coal-fired power plants faced even stronger competition from natural gas-fired generation, with benchmark gas prices an average of 45% lower than 2018 levels,” the report notes. This move to more natural-gas-fired power plants is thanks in large measure to increased fracking lowering the cost of natural gas — “as a result, gas increased its share in electricity generation to a record high of 37%.”



  1. Of course the biggest drop in CO2 emissions is due to fracking. Fracking tapped into so much natural gas that many power plants switched from Coal to Gas to produce electricity.

    1. No no, not true. Trump told me Obama killed coal

  2. OMG! Now what are the liberals and tree hugging radicals going to do? I know, less CO2 = the sky is falling!

  3. 3:24 are you a special kind of stupid????

    Liberal say the sky would fall IF, get that, IF CO2 did not go down or get reduced!!!!

    And I don't now how smart you really are, but just in that statement alone I am pretty sure you are stupid like dirt... You do know that most if not all plant life thrives on CO2 right??? And less CO2 means less plants can do their thing and could and will die off... They already said there is a population decrease of bees, now why do you think that is??? Bees need flowers, flowers need CO2, get the picture???

  4. So they are the ones complaining about global warming and he is the one cleaning things up ie actually doing something that works

  5. What about Geoengineering?

  6. 4:16 PM: obviously sarcasm is lost on you. Perhaps you are a nerdy, geeky rocket scientist. Yep, sarcasm again. Diuuhhhhhh....

  7. Northwest Woodsman: If we could eliminate politicians from breathing and speaking, we could eliminate considerably more CO2 from the environment.

  8. did Greta Goonyberg read this ?


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