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Thursday, February 20, 2020

Undercover investigation of Maryland wildlife killing contests reveals cruelty, indifference to animal suffering

Our latest undercover investigation of wildlife killing contests in Maryland reveals a grisly world: one where contestants use digital technology to lure animals like foxes and coyotes to their death, riddle them with bullets in a mad rush to kill the most and heaviest animals, and then dump the animals like garbage once the contest is over.

Footage captured by the Humane Society of the United States at two such contests, the “Predator Hunters of Maryland” event in Unionville and the “Southern Maryland Predator Hunt” in Waldorf, shows contestants unloading foxes, coyotes and raccoons with gruesome injuries, their bodies bloody and ripped apart by bullets, from trucks. Worse, children seemingly inured to the violence play among the dead animals and even help drag them to the judging area.

Altogether, about 200 dead animals were placed before the judges in Unionville. Contestants were judged on a point system—killing a coyote earned five points, a fox three points and a raccoon one point. Prizes were also awarded for the heaviest coyote, the heaviest fox and the heaviest raccoon killed.



  1. Rule change: hunters must be naked, use only a sharp stick and eat everything they kill.

  2. I was champion 5 years running but retired. Glad I got out when I did.

  3. Now that would be better(1:07).
    As a child, we killed animals in my neighborhood in the 70's and although I regret much of it now, it was a different time and we were imagining ourselves as hunters.
    I later became a waterfoul Hunter before giving that up for my own reasons so I am appreciative of at least the basic idea of hunting per say. A hunter with a mindfulness of tradition, conservation, wildlife management not to mention teaching discipline and gun safety, benevolence and healthy recreation to me is all good, but there is naturally a fine line there before things could turn negative.
    These people participating in this stuff is so far across any line, it's awful and the darkness of their actions so far reaching it hurts us all in one way or another.
    The cliche prospect of prying a weapon from cold dead hands seems like a good idea here.
    A few bad Very bad apples if you ask me.

  4. Every fox killed means more wildlife for roaming house cats to kill.

  5. I like 1:07's idea. Make it a fair fight.
    There are some very sick people in this world. It's like we are reversing evolution.

  6. them breed until the area is inundated with rabid vermin! oh wait we already have that with the humans living around here!

  7. There are so many inaccuracies by the jaded bleeding heart liberal writer here.
    If your complaining about this, no more meat protein for you.
    No more fine leather gloves for you.
    China’s glove industry relies on stray cats and dogs to fulfill our need.
    Fox is tasty. Had it at the wild game dinner the Mennonites have in Marion. Not sure about Coyote.
    These animals prey on your pets. They kill for a living.
    Who does your killing for you??
    Soon, these liberals will want charges and punishment for butchers at Food Lion.

    If your complaining about any of it, you better educate yourself and stop relying on media that will purposefully lie to you to support their personal agenda no matter how wrong or incongruent with life their opinions are.

  8. There's more to the story but please do not try and look for it you may get a big surprise.

  9. Disinformation meant to brainwash everyone thats ignorant of wildlife management. There is no fur market, hasnt been for decades now and these type animals MUST be managed. Would you prefer they use lag traps like they used to? These type animals are never eaten nor should they be...unless you like rabies soup! Discarding their carcass feeds eagle and buzzards, ect. They are hunted and killed efficiently and humanely as possible, so what if they pat each other on the back with points and a contest, if they dont encourage future participation then who will help keep neighborhoods from being over run with trash can raiders and rabies spreading?
    236am...your a fool and a fake.
    Dont let these ignorant people make laws where they dont care to consider the results of their actions. Wildlife MUST be managed, if you dont care for it then allow others to do the conservation and stfu.

  10. This pisses me off.

  11. maybe they ought to start culling some of the real dangerous animals around here!

  12. Again I will post, is the White Marlin Open next? Fishing tournaments???

  13. 1:46 nmfs is taking care of that. won't even be allowed to dip a line with your kids the way they are going. but if you have enough money you can pay commercial! no recreation though!


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