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Saturday, February 22, 2020

Trump furious Americans infected with coronavirus flew back to US without his permission

President Trump was furious that 14 Americans infected with the coronavirus returned to the United States without his permission rather than remain in quarantine overseas, according to a new report.

Trump had been briefed that the healthy U.S. passengers who spent weeks quarantined aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan would be allowed to fly home on two chartered planes -- while those who were sick or infected would stay in Japan to prevent the spread of the deadly virus.

The president became "furious" with senior advisers after learning the 14 Americans who tested positive had been put on a plane with healthy passengers, according to The Washington Post. One official told the paper that the failure to inform Trump of the decision in advance of the plane's departure was a “big operational mistake.”

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  1. Is this another Fake news - President becomes furious. Strong word furious. Bernie becomes furious - Warren becomes furious. Trump becomes concerned that this happened and how he can make it right for these people and to stop the spread of the disease. The word is concerned about the American welfare. America first. MAGA

  2. Northwest Woodsman: I hope some heads roll over this. Must be Pedomarxist democrat holdovers responsible. No common sense just run with their emotions.


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