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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Trump Flips 9th Circuit Court, Leftists In Panic Mode, Legacy Judges Violate Ethics To Complain To Media

On February 12th, President Trump had his 189th, 190th, 191st, and 192nd judicial nominees confirmed by the senate. 51 of his judicial nominations have been for the federal appeals courts, and ten of those have been on the now-formerly heavy leftist 9th Circuit, where Trump has made 10 appointments in three years. He has effectively flipped the 9th circuit from wackjob leftist to sane, and this has wackjob leftists worried. Bigly.

The LA Times whines:
When President Trump ticks off his accomplishments since taking office, he frequently mentions his aggressive makeover of a key sector of the federal judiciary — the circuit courts of appeal, where he has appointed 51 judges to lifetime jobs in three years.

In few places has the effect been felt more powerfully than in the sprawling 9th Circuit, which covers California and eight other states. Because of Trump’s success in filling vacancies, the San Francisco-based circuit, long dominated by Democratic appointees, has suddenly shifted to the right, with an even more pronounced tilt expected in the years ahead.


  1. Great! The Dumbocrats voted to expand the number now they have to deal with a President that has a different opinion about the Judges selected!!! Trump / Pence 2020

  2. All we ask for is constitutional jurists not political hacks


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