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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

'This could be bad': Top CDC doctor contradicts Trump and warns it's 'not a question of if but WHEN' coronavirus spreads in America, as she tells parents to prepare for school closures, tele-schooling and 'significant disruption in our lives'

It's no longer 'a question of if...but when' the coronavirus will spread in the US, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials said on Tuesday as they told parents to prepare their children for the possibility of school closures.

The CDC said Americans may need to prepare for 'tele-schooling' should the virus continue to spread throughout the US.

So far, 57 cases have been confirmed - 14 in the nation, 40 from citizens repatriated from the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan and three evacuated from China.

And although the threat is currently low, Dr Nancy Messonier, CDC's director of the Center for the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, says the public needs to be ready if the virus becomes a pandemic.



  1. Another big extortion of 2.5 billion dollars of taxpayers money. HOAX!!

  2. The coronavirus is just a little piss ant pounding it's chest.People who die from it would most likely die anyway.

    1. I just got it

      Nobody gets out alive

  3. Thank you President Trump #Q.

  4. she is rod rosensteins sister.....not kidding...

  5. More deception and lies from the luciferian swamp coven

  6. More people die from TDS yearly...

  7. Check the "Top doctor's" affiliation? Bet is is Democrat 😂

  8. Bill Barr song praises of Rod when he took over. And you all wonder why nothing happened to McCabe other then becoming a millionaire over night.

  9. Its Time to buy buy buy not sell sell sell sell.made a kiling last time stocks took a dive


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