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Friday, February 14, 2020

'They should be terrified': Republicans fear Bloomberg as Biden fades

With Joe Biden staggering, confidence in President Trump’s reelection is soaring inside a once-concerned Republican establishment, with only Michael Bloomberg among the remaining Democratic contenders identified as a mortal threat.

Biden placed a demoralizing fifth place in the New Hampshire primary, and, in interviews on Wednesday, nearly a dozen senior Republican strategists dismissed the top three finishers, the Democratic Party’s new 2020 top tier, as fatally flawed. Bernie Sanders is too liberal to beat Trump in key suburban and Midwestern battlegrounds, they claim, and Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar are too weak with nonwhite voters, a core Democratic constituency that would need to turn out strongly for any Democrat to win and that is being aggressively wooed by the president.

Bloomberg suffers from some of the same vulnerabilities, but the billionaire media mogul has one undisputed advantage that has Republican insiders on edge: money. The former New York City mayor has invested more than $350 million since late November, fielding a campaign so massive that it amounts to a shadow political party. Republicans take seriously Bloomberg’s promise to spend whatever it takes to oust Trump and concede the gambit could work.



  1. You can just about read the handwriting on the wall when Obama is on TV daily pumping up Bloomburg. Here is a man who ruined New York and the Democrats want him for President. There would be only one reason. $$$$$$. Mark my word this is the person the DNC, Top Democrats and Soro's have already picked to support and the rest are going to be thrown under the bus like they did Bernie in "2016"!!!

  2. You should really be fearing Bernie. Post college students and voting age millenials now outnumber boomers.

  3. Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country. Donations, donations, DONATIONS. We need to out spend soros' and company.

  4. For all those who use Progressive Ins., I would suggest you find another carrier. Progressive belongs to Soros. So that means you will be aiding the DEMONRATS.

  5. Probably pick Hillary as his VP.

  6. We AIN'T Scared of BLUNDERBERG !!! LOL LOL

  7. I'm not too worried about that rich little pipsqueak.

    Bloomburg is a puts!

  8. Ha ha, mini Mike couldn't harm a dachshund.

  9. TRUMP 2020 !!! in a LANDSLIDE !!! We Not Worried a bit !!!!

  10. Biden's Corruption made him FADE away !!!! Love it


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