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Monday, February 10, 2020

The toxic feminism of AOC and Pelosi doesn't represent young women like me

Toxic feminism made its mark on this year's State of the Union, thanks to the Democrats.

Some Democrats wore white in protest, meant to evoke memories of the suffragettes as they showed off their “Equal Rights Amendment Yes” buttons. Meanwhile, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez refused to attend. Topping it all off, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi openly shredded her copy of the State of the Union address. These are just a few of the distasteful actions I witnessed from the feminist Left as I watched the speech.

As President Trump commended a record-low female unemployment rate, two single mothers, a young girl who has the opportunity to choose her school, and a paid family leave program, many of the supposed feminists Democrats in attendance offered up little to no positive reaction. 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of women winning the right to vote in America. Why aren’t these women celebrating the wonderful strides they’ve made?



  1. They are Criminals & Don't Rep anything good in America !!!

  2. The attack on family is part of the Communist Agenda

  3. Because they hate Trump.

  4. Their constituents voted them into office.

  5. They not only hate Trump but have joined the political games of the liberal democrats. Parents, teach your children the truth about why socialism does not work. If you want to eat you have to work. That is the American way.


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