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Thursday, February 20, 2020

Ted Cruz calls climate movement 'an emotional primal scream'

Sen. Ted Cruz warned Democrats could destroy the country if they are allowed to implement aggressive reforms to combat climate change.

"What is dangerous about the climate movement is it has become an emotional primal scream, rather than being driven by science," the Texas Republican said in a campaign ad released Tuesday.

The minute-and-a-half ad features prominent Democrats who issue dire warnings about a warming planet and implore the public to take climate change more seriously.



  1. Mr. Cruz,. stick you head back into the sand. What is your solution or attempt to address? Like i thought,..nothing. Your hot air rhetoric is part of the problem

  2. Alleged should always prefaces the phrases global warming, climate change, climate crisis.


  3. 9:46 Climate change is a given. There is NOTHING that man can do to chance that. Senator Cruz is correct in describing the drivel these libitards have been drooling out over the past 11 years. It often does result in the primal scream. These people are unable to deal with reality. NOT MY PROBLEM - buck up and wake up.

  4. We all fear what we don't understand.

  5. Yeah but Tom is a good actor.

  6. Climate change is what we hear.....where the hell is it??? I want steamed crabs year round....water has to be warm.....global warming, maybe we haven’t spun far enough around yet??? Another group seeking government funding to watch wind speeds!!! WASTE

  7. Just ask millionaire or is it billionaire Al Gore. He has become very rich with Climate Change. Notice this primal scream is very loud with Hollywood. The people who know only how to act and are very wealthy thanks to their viewers.

  8. The so called climate change experts remind me of divorce lawyers. They don't make any money if they don't get everyone fighting and creating division. I agree with the guy who started the weather channel.He stated it's all just another do nothing chair warming government jobs program that has to lie to continue their funding. Al GORE GOT RICH SPREADING HIS BS AND LIES. Remember the name was changed from GLOBAL WARMING to CLIMATE CHANGE. Of course the climates changes . Always has and always will..

  9. Weather it is caused by humans or not is debatable . If it is happening however in NOT debatable. What is YOUR plan to address?

    1. Educate yourself
      Stop embarrassing yourself

      Read: Owning the Weather by 2020

      It is a US Air Force white paper

      Visit: geoengineeringwatch.org


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