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Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Super Bowl Halftime Show: Cultural Decay


  1. It's sad to watch the likes of Jennifer Lopez and Mariah Carey when they realize their careers aren't what they used to be. Stick with the stupid ass "America's got talent" scenario and leave the hip hop pole dancing BS to the young thuglets. Nothing more pathetic than a 50 year old woman (man) trying to be 25 again

  2. I’m a dude that can appreciate a hot woman in skimpy clothes anytime but I’m with Liz. This was not appropriate for the Super Bowl. I was shocked and embarrassed watching it knowing that millions were watching this sleazy display.

  3. Get over it, it was a great show, with powerful women who are in charge of their own sexuality.

    More misogyny on display.... did you see what the men on the stage were wearing? Notice she said NOT ONE WORD about the men?

    False outrage.

    It was a fantastic show, and not degrading at all, and anyone saying so has an obvious agenda.

    Sexual exploitation of women and sex trafficking only exist because prostitution is illegal, so these arguments fall completely flat.

    Women can be smart, intelligent, powerful, beautiful, AND sexual. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it, nor any reason to hide it.

  4. I loved it! What could have made it better was a wardrobe malfunction! This is what God made women for, SEX! Everyone needs to get over themselves, it is the truth. Men and women need to procreate and so God made them sexy and attractive to keep our species going. Europe is so much ahead of the US were not a bunch of prudes!

  5. Here's an idea- I would like to see a good marching band at half time, the way football OUGHT to be. Wouldn't it be great if one or two really terrific high school bands got to perform in front of everyone? It would be great for the towns, it would be great for the kids, and it would do so much to further music and music education in this country.

    Lets celebrate the talent of everyday ordinary American kids rather than the bloated ego's of pop stars.

  6. American's being upset about nudity and sex is quite a bit strange to us from "Across the Pond". For a country that is so advanced in so many things but living in the dark ages when it comes to human sexuality.
    I've read articles that say 7 out of every ten high school girls have posted nudes online. Virgins going to the alter are only 1 in 10. There is hope in the future generation coming up here.

  7. I thought it was a beautiful display of athleticism and talent. Sorry haters

    1. Yes yes the ol pelvic thrust and butt cheek wiggle championship games of old... cheers to athleticism

  8. It's funny to read all your clowns responses. It's all fun and games until you catch your old lady(or better yet daughter) drunk, bumping and grinding in public's view then you come unglued.

  9. I like Liz. She always points out what other people can't handle as the truth or just won't say because they may offend. At one time I was a die-hard pro-football fan. Haven't watched any of this in a long time.


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