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Monday, February 17, 2020

Study: Coronavirus May Have Started in Government Lab

The coronavirus may have 'accidentally' originated in a government laboratory a mere 300 yards from the Wuhan fish market where the authorities say the outbreak started, the Daily Mail has reported.

The report cites a South China University of Technology paper written by two Chinese scholars, which claims that the Wuhan Center for Disease Control (WHCDC) could have been the place where it started. This is because the center had animals with diseases in laboratories, including more than 600 bats, which are linked to coronavirus.

As further proof, the scholars said that one of the WHCDC researchers quarantined himself after the blood of a bat got on his skin and another bat urinated on him.

The same researcher also said he discovered a live tick from a bat, which could explain how the infection was passed through the animal's blood.



  1. "accidentally" man this world is out of control. Why on Earth would you have a government lab 300 yards from an open seafood market? Something just not adding up

  2. This just in....It's Trumps fault because he put tariffs on China so they retaliated. This will be the next Headline I'm sure. Now the Dumbocrats must have a hearing about it.

    Secondly, your telling me their President didn't know how this all started? Perfect reason for him NOT wanting our help to solve the situation. He knew all along they were responsible.

  3. And here it comes, the truth!!!! Just like I said, this is a BIO-weapon!!!! When will you morons start to listen?? I have been right every single damn time for the past year... This is not by coincidence, its because I think outside the box and use my brain, TRY IT SOMETIME!!!!!!

    1. You posted on the wrong article yesterday.


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