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Friday, February 07, 2020

Stephanie Grisham: 'Democrats should be held accountable' for 'corrupt' impeachment

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham suggested that President Trump may take action against lawmakers and others who attempted to remove him from office.

Grisham appeared on Fox News on Thursday to discuss the president and his administration’s plans after the Senate acquitted him on two impeachment articles that the House passed last year.

"People should be held accountable. The Democrats should be held accountable for not only what they did to the president and to his family and the administration but the country," she said.



  1. In most banana republics (like Amerika) the President would them killed. And their families.

    Ditto for Mafioso and we already know that Mr Trump and his son-in-law are Chabad.

    So things aren’t looking so good for the DemonRats

  2. Best not to mess with Chabad Lubavitcher
    That is Jewish Russian Mafia

  3. Let me hand out the punishments and these liberal kooks will change their tune in 24 hours, guaranteed!! Dave T

  4. 3:31

    I agree with you, but I think there's no changing their belief system.

  5. it was a campaign action and DNC and all Democrats should be made to reimburse the US Tax Payer for all expenses involved with interest ASAP.

  6. Demon-crats are NEVER held accountable !!! But, maybe we

    can change that in 2020 !!!! Lets get on it Get-er-Done !!!

  7. Seems Democrats control government and republicans too scared to do anything only president Trump doing something.

  8. Corrupt COUP !!! Crooked Hillary Corrupt FISA warrant


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