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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Salisbury University: Messsages From the President

EDITOR'S NOTE: Below you will find 3 different message from the President of Salisbury University.  Click 'READ MORE' to view them all

Tonight, our campus is under attack by a coward. Not one but multiple racist threats are being directed at Black and Brown members of OUR community. An attack on some members of our campus community is an attack on all of us, and we all need to respond.

I know these crimes have frightened members of our campus community, particularly Black and Brown students, faculty and staff. I am appalled by these vile acts which are not welcome on OUR campus and do not represent our values.

I made the decision to cancel classes to give us all the opportunity to come together to process what we are experiencing, support each other and figure out how we can move forward together as a community.

The SUPD continues to work with the FBI and allied law enforcement agencies to ensure the safety and security of all members of our campus community. Since the first discovery of racist graffiti, we have taken every measure toward bringing the cowardly criminal or criminals to justice. We will not allow this to define us.

An email is forthcoming with information on the activities and services that will be available tomorrow to support students, faculty and staff as we deal with this. I encourage faculty and staff to join with me in supporting our students and one another as we take back SU.

Charles A. Wight

All Salisbury University classes are canceled Thursday, February 20, to provide a day of healing following the most recent incident of threatening, racially charged vandalism discovered on campus.

Support services offices, including the Counseling Center, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, and Multicultural Student Services Office will remain available throughout the day. The campus also will have an increased police presence.

Classes are expected to resume at 8 a.m. Friday, February 21. Please monitor SU’s website, and Facebook and Twitter accounts, for any updates.

FBI Assisting with Vandalism Investigations – February 19, 2020

Members of the SU Community,

I was disheartened to learn today of another instance of racially charged and threatening graffiti on campus, this time in Henson Science Hall. The Salisbury University Police Department has launched an investigation into this new and distressing incident.

Last fall, SU Police began an investigation into similar messages scrawled on the walls of two stairwells in Fulton Hall. Because of the sensitive nature of this case, we have not been able to divulge much information in that ongoing case. Today, I am at liberty to share a little more.

Since last semester, SU has been working with the FBI’s Baltimore field office, as well as local allied law enforcement agencies, as part of the investigation. These agencies, which also include the Maryland State Police, Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office and Salisbury Police Department, as well as the FBI, have been notified of the most recent incident.

As the investigation into all incidents continues, you may be contacted by FBI agents or other law enforcement officials, or see them on campus. I ask for your full cooperation in providing any information they may need.

As you have so emphatically demonstrated in recent months, hate and discrimination will not be tolerated on this campus. I stand with you as we continue to navigate these difficult and unfortunate times.

Any further details on the investigations will be posted at www.salisbury.edu/president as we are able to release them.

Charles A. Wight


  1. I seem to recall this was done in the past and the culprit was black. Please correct me if I am wrong.

    1. You are correct they drew racist stuff on a dry erase board in a library study room. The students who did it or black there were no charges filed .

  2. Cancel class? Lol give me a break.

  3. Jake Day in the above just welcomed everyone. That includes terrorists. I wonder if I wouldn't prefer terrorists to the gays, drag queens, etc. at this point.

  4. wow. I am so triggered by this event that I have to take the day off from work.

    Ge a life SU! Clean the crap up and move on. The real world doesn't give two hoots

  5. "under attack" Seriously? Some butt head writes some stupid graffiti and you're "under attack"? Even if it turns out NOT to be fake... way to completely validate the little snowflakes sense of fear. Big bad Trump is going to take away your rights, men are roaming the streets looking for women to rape, Russians are changing your votes...etc. etc. It's all the same thing. If I were a black kid, my response would be "FU, I'm going to class! No racist is going to stop ME from getting an education!".

  6. Yes, the last person who did this was black.

  7. If it turns out to be a "Person OF Color" that did this, they had better be charged to the fullest extent of the law, hypocrites.

  8. This is the response the racists and/or cowards want. Shut down, stop life and make bold proclamations about the evil forces. Simply acknowledge the event, begin the cleanup, question why there isn't surveillance recordings of this and go along with life. Sure, an investigation and ultimately someone needs to be arrested. The over-reaction is incredible and exactly what the bullies or bad people want. There is no place for this behavior and we all agree. Seems the Mayor's message was self indulgent and not much help. It does throw a veil over all others who are not of color and had nothing to do with this. I believe the proper thing to do is, wait for the truth and then, address the situation as needed. Just my thoughts.

  9. Dear God. No wonder there are generations of snow flakes. Just read this crap SU is putting out. Quick run...safe space everyone🙄 Geez wait til real life hits you in the face. What you gonna do then snowflakes?

  10. Cancel classes? What a bunch of crap. SU must be full of candy-asses.
    Great excuse for students to sit around all day and drink beer or whatever.

    1. Expect more racist graffiti since it will be used as an excuse to get out of classes.

  11. And then when the “investigation” points to a nonwhite offender again, not a word will be heard about it again...just like last time, and the time before that....

  12. One thing they continue to leave out is every prior incident has been committed by a black student but the real victims of this false flag hate crime are the white students who spend a lot of money to attend Salisbury University. After every hoax they have to walk around the campus and be under suspicion . Instead of Salisbury University sweeping this under the rug again expel the student who created the crime... I understand it’s the same African American female as last time

  13. SU should refund some money back to these students and parents for missing a day of instruction. Dumb idea.

  14. We will patiently wait the outcome of your investigation Mr. Wight, just as we have been waiting to hear the outcome of the "dry erase" incident from a few years ago.... still waiting..... ???


  16. is the person of color that perpetrated the last terror threat still a student @ SU ? everyone once to know

    1. And of course it will be found out to be a Hispanic owe black that did it.

  17. Was this done in Art Class????????!!!!!!!!! LOL

  18. The real victims are the white students from this obvious false flag hoax

  19. When you get to the bottom of it SSU make sure you process the BLACK person that did it and we better see all of it on the news. All your trying to do is spread more racism--no one should even attend SSU RACISTS.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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