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Sunday, February 09, 2020

Rush Limbaugh announces he has 'advanced lung cancer'

Talk radio king Rush Limbaugh stunned his 20-million member audience Monday with the announcement he’s been diagnosed with “advanced lung cancer.”

The 69-year-old conservative talk pioneer closed his broadcast with the grim news, saying he will be leaving his golden EIB microphone for treatment, but hopes to return later this week.

“This day has been one of the most difficult days in recent memory, for me, because I’ve known this moment was coming,” Limbaugh said. “I’m sure that you all know by now that I really don’t like talking about myself and I don’t like making things about me... one thing that I know, that has happened over the 31-plus years of this program is that there has been an incredible bond that had developed between all of you and me.”



  1. Let me just be the first to say that this is a great humble intelligent man. My prayers go out to him our prayers are very powerful.

  2. Cigars are not a a safe alternative.

  3. Dems r loving this (

  4. This is terrible when Hilary needs to be getting it instead of him.

  5. Treatments are becoming more effective.

  6. Toxic hot air will get you.

  7. Sadden to hear this, but not surprised.
    He loved this cigars and he would always boast about
    what brands were the best and how much he enjoyed one after
    a good meal.

    He has lived the life that most of us would envy.

    I hope the doctors can help him or at least make his last days as comfortable as possible in the the time he has left.

  8. No time to cast aspersions on anyone; thoughts and prayers...cancer is an evil disease.

  9. for everyone who is hating on Rush, do they realize that he has pretty much single handedly kept the AM radio band alive? With the talk radio format, which he did more than anyone else to establish, AM radio would be deader than it already is. All those people left who work at those stations, when Rush goes- will probably be out of work.

  10. meanwhile all those democrat baby killing scumbags skip happily down the road! living is dangerous keep up the good fight!

  11. Been listening to Rush since 1992. It was and is a thrill to hear someone on the radio say and share political thoughts and views that coincide with mine. He is a pioneer in many areas. He sought his dream and brought it fruition. He is also a very generous person. His character and behavior can serve as example for all.

    Please know Rush, that you are in my prayers for your complete healing and recovery over the lung cancer.

  12. My favorite Rush quote:
    “There is no conclusive proof that nicotine’s addictive... And the same thing with cigarettes causing emphysema, lung cancer, heart disease.”

  13. I did not know cancer could get cancer.

  14. 10:04 lmao you're joking right?

    1. No, it is not a joke. He is also charitable and kind.

  15. To the people who have nasty, evil remarks to say about Rush; what goes around comes around. I'm sure you don't believe in God, but He knows what you chose to say and has your number...To Rush, the Greatest Conservative Radio Host Ever, the carrier of the Torch for America he loves, we wish you well and will continue to lift you up in prayer each day as we believe for total healing with you...

  16. Before he made his announcement of his cancer diagnosis, he had spent about 14 minutes on the air with an 11 year old girl. She had read his Rush Revere books and gotten her family to take a 7 week trip up the east coast up visit many of the historical sites discussed in the books. He was very kind and spoke to her in a grandfatherly tone and gifted her a swag bag one books and plush toys and was sending her school cartons of his books, since she said she was sharing them with her schoolmates. A man of remarkable talent who could be kind and gentle to a child and then totally destroy an adult who disagreed with him. Wouldnt wish cancer on my worst enemy

  17. For a College drop out and three time divorcee with no children.....very conservative values......he has made out well with 500 million. Too bad he can't take it with him. I suspect Wolfman Jack had more fun and G. Gordon Liddy goes strong.

  18. Prayers to you, Rush! God bless you and heal you. We love you.


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