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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Roger Stone does not deserve a presidential pardon

Roger Stone lied to Congress, threatened a witness to cover his tracks, and will now serve 40 months in prison. President Trump has hinted he might pardon his longtime associate, but doing so would be a mistake.

Stone represents the corruption Trump promised to root out of Washington, D.C. He openly bragged about speaking with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to spread smears about Hillary Clinton, then lied about the Trump campaign’s knowledge of these encounters. Stone then tried to prevent a witness from accurately testifying.

There’s an argument to be made that Stone’s crimes did not warrant a massively armed FBI raid, nor did they deserve the nine-year prison sentence prosecutors had recommended. But allowing them to go unpunished entirely — which is essentially what a presidential pardon would do — would send the wrong message.



  1. He could grant his release from prison in 30 days. Wrong message is he lied to the same congress that lied to impeach the President. Sick not a single person has need arrested for lying in a investigation to overthrow a sitting president.


  2. Gen. Clapper was head of our nation's intelligence agencies and he lied to Congress on an important, direct question, and I think he was under oath. He's never been prosecuted.

    Roger Stone is a quirky character, and I'm not here to defend anything he actually did wrong.

    But he deserved a fair trial, and it's clear from the tainted jury and numerous other details that he didn't get one. A mistrial should be declared, and if they wish to try him again, so be it. The false juror should be prosecuted with equal vigor as Stone was.

  3. This whole issue is disturbing to me and I assume alot of people on the double standard. Comey, McCabe, Hillary, all Democrats abusing the law and making millions on book deals while Trump supporters go to jail - Not right.

  4. The same judge gave democrat senator James Wolfe 2 months for lying to the FBI and others,proves she’s bias toward republicans.

  5. Important question...why the double standard? Stone is not innocent for sure; however, why does he get a 9 year sentence and Klapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Hillary, et al walk free as birds. Why is this double standard tolerated? Equal justice? Don't think so.

    1. You cant even get a basic fact (sentence length) right. How about you sit this one out jr.

  6. I'm with 12:06, he didn't get a fair trial and deserves a new one with a different judge and jury. The bias is overwhelmingly evident.

  7. McCabe walks. Wolfe gets 2 months. Stone gets 3 1/3 years.

    The scales of justice don't tip equally.

    Pardon him in 2 months.

  8. Stone was dragged into a which hunt based on false premise where they were asking him questions like have you stopped beating your children?
    Political prosecution. Nothing more.

  9. Lying to congress and tampering with witnesses should not be pardoned. The guy is a scummy conman

  10. Whether or not he’s worthy of a pardon is speculation being he hasn’t gotten one but what he and all of us deserve is a fair trial

  11. Comey, Brenner and Clapper along with several Democrats did the same thing and they very never charged . What's up with that? Pure Democrat biased and discriminatory use of the law.

  12. When you put your judge in the cross hairs of a scope you really need to go to jail

    1. Why ? It’s freedom of speech

  13. Trump pardoned less than 20 people. Obama pardoned 2000 people.

  14. Schiff and Nadler lie everyday to Congress......how much time do they get??? LOCK EM’ UP!!!


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