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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Respondents To CNN Article About "Africanized Bee Attack" Complain Of Racism

Respondents to a CNN article about a swarm of Africanized bees that attacked a group of firefighters and police complained that using the term ‘Africanized bees’ was racist.

Yes, really.

The Africanized honey bee is also known colloquially as the ‘killer bee’, but the former name is scientifically accurate.

The bee was introduced into Brazil in 1956 but subsequently spread throughout North America. Africanized honey bees can chase people for a quarter of a mile and have killed around 1,000 humans.

“A group of firefighters and police that were responding to a bee sting were attacked by a swarm of nearly 40,000 Africanized bees. Three of the first responders were rushed to the hospital, while the others quickly shut down the block,” CNN tweeted.



  1. It's amazing and also mind boggling how the woke community can take themselves so seriously, and claim to be so intelligent, while making themselves look so comically idiotic. This article really made me laugh! I hope that they're joking but I know they're not...actually kind of scary, yikes.

  2. They are easily angered, attack in vicious mobs, and are bad news when they move into an area.

    1. Are we still talking about the bees? Asking for a friend...

  3. The bees are mad and just seeking reparations for the honey they are forced to produce

  4. How about those Canada Geese, eh? Does that make fun of hockey fans?
    Think about the average person who works at an MSM outlet: now you understand why we get reports like this. For the ones who went to college, they were fed liberal Koolaid. Then they get to work and the Koolaid is even less diluted.
    They feel obligated to make even more Koolaid.

  5. Remember in the old movies that the good cowboys wore white and the bad wore black ? Is this the same thing ?

  6. These are negro bees , or colored bees , you racist individual.

  7. A day of healing has been planned at SU to recover from this newest racist attack.


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