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Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Report: $90 Billion in US Taxpayer Money Donated to Global Slush Fund to Fight AIDS But a Portion of the Funds Made It to Clintons, Soros and Others Instead

An investigative report revealed that $90 Billion in US Taxpayer money has been funneled to overseas organizations in the name of helping those with HIV AIDS. In reality the funds are distributed to organizations including the Clinton Health Access Initiative and George Soros’s Open Health Institute.

Corey Diggs put together a report that shows that efforts to combat HIV AIDS may just be fronts for money laundering schemes ran by the Clintons and George Soros. The story begins in August 2000, a few months before Bill Clinton’s second term ends. On August 19, 2000:
Bill Clinton signed a bill establishing the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, intending to locate it inside the World Bank in Switzerland.

The Washington Post reported “Clinton, who will travel to Nigeria and Tanzania, is directing Treasury Secretary Lawrence H. Summers to begin negotiations with the World Bank to set up the trust fund.”
In her efforts to unfold the truth, Diggs uncovered that money sent from the US to help fight AIDS actually ends up in the hands of the likes of George Soros:



  1. Yet another reason to neuter big pharma and stop all these rich folks from using charities and organizations to pocket cash. On BOTH sides.

  2. Deep-State right there.

  3. No wonder Soros is so rich! Charles Ortel is closing in!

  4. Why wasn't the aids vaccine made available when it came out?It's been 3 years now.

  5. Being that Bill probably started the virus I guess they are entitled to something. Poor Bill can you imagine going to bed with that beast.

  6. Criminal government?


  7. Why do we fund foreign diseases that will never go away when that country does not take responsibility for their actions.

  8. And they received no punishment unbelievable but that is crooked Democrats and their politics.

  9. ILLEGAL !!! Lock them the Hell Up !!!!

  10. Hillary and Bubba scammed the people of Haiti out of millions with the empty promises to build houses. Still waiting...

  11. Democrats have Alot of "SLush Funds " Our taxpayer Funds !

  12. Pelosi SLUSH funds pays for those private jets she likes !!!!!


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