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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Rep. James Clyburn: 'We were fully employed during slavery'

House Majority Whip James Clyburn dismissed President Trump’s record unemployment lows for black Americans on Tuesday by arguing that slaves were “fully employed,” too.

The South Carolina Democrat weighed in on Mr. Trump’s economy during an appearance on Fox News after host Neil Cavuto said the president had “delivered the goods for a lot of African-Americans” with record-low unemployment.

“Come on, Neil,” Mr. Clyburn responded. “It’s not true.”

“I’m saying that the African-American unemployment is not the lowest it’s ever been unless you count slavery,” the congressman said. “We were fully employed during slavery. So it all depends how you measure this up.”

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  1. “We were fully employed during slavery" this will come back to haunt him bigly!

  2. Sounds like he's for slavery as a form of employment for blacks, like it's a good thing. Is he nuts like all the other Trump hating democrats?

  3. Today White Slaves are Fully Employed too !!!

    1. We are all slaves if we work in exchange for fiat US Dollars. They are creating $40 Billion every night in the repo market.

      Educate yourselves!

  4. He wasn’t.....he wasn’t anywhere around! Typical raciest......cry about what they were never a part of!!

  5. What's he saying? Full employment under slavery was good for blacks, or record unemployment in a paying economy is bad for blacks? Yes TDS is real. It makes them so crazy they will say things that make no sense at all. That's a sure sign of mental; illness.

  6. Leave it to a black man to use the race card over and over and over and over and over and over and over...

  7. Isn’t it pretty obvious, there is an able bodied element of society that refuses to work.
    The only way they will be productive and not a threat to civility (Baltimore) is to force them into strict “Self Enhancement” work programs.
    (Like in China and North Korea. )
    Elect Bernie and we can have that here. [sarc]

  8. 1:25, the problem is idiots like you who read a headline then spout off with your mouth. Perhaps you should actually take time to learn the context of the quote and the actual message he was conveying. This goes for all situations. If you have time to type up a comment, you have time to actually be informed about the topic.

  9. When do Whites get a Race Card ?? What's in your wallet ????
    I want one with Double Unlimited Miles !!!!

    1. Didn't you hear, whites are privileged and have no race card, we just have to pay their way for the next billion years because their the oppressed race.

  10. There ARE NO unemployed slaves. So, what's the point?

  11. 547
    I agree
    We are all serving Israel
    Mr Trump is making sure of that

  12. Well Mr. Clyburn. Communists are fully employed too. Whats your point?

  13. There is No WE, since he was Not around back then, Nor was
    a SLAVE !!!

    Good thing for alot of Blacks nowadays too !!! Back then, they
    would not fare so well !!!

    Another thing, there were Far more White & Other Slaves in the
    World, than Black ones, but they act like they were the Only ones all the time !!! NOT SO Learn some History !!!!

  14. February 20, 2020 at 4:57 PM:

    Do you feel better now? Calling someone an idiot is your rebuttal? (typical democrat) I read it and commented on it as I saw it. He said Trump's employment accomplishments for blacks aren't as good as slavery was. What part didn't YOU comprehend? The racist democrat black man was trying to diminish the dramatic effect that the Trump administration policies have had on black unemployment. Trump has managed to bring black unemployment to historic lows, seen never before, and Rep Clyburn says "not true" by comparing today's black unemployment rate with the black unemployment rate with slavery. So, one can infer that he was proposing that slavery was better than Trump's black unemployment rate, in an attempt to paint Trump's accomplishments as not a good thing. They'll say anything to put down Trump's accomplishments that have benefited blacks. Even that slavery produced better numbers. Nothing out of context. You're the one with a reading disorder and TDS. It shows. Typical democrat, I see. Get over it loser.

  15. Fully employed > No tips No Min wage !!!
    Whites were slaves too & still are !!!


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