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Sunday, February 09, 2020

Rashida Tlaib says mere mention of Kavanaugh's name a 'trigger'

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a Michigan Democrat, said merely hearing Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's name causes her to cringe.

“I think, you know, even the mention of Brett Kavanaugh for me is a trigger,” said the member of the so-called "Squad." "Just as a woman in America, the fact that he, you know, rightfully was accused and having an incredibly strong woman come before the public and the world and tell her story of sexual assault by this person that was appointed to the Supreme Court is just — I couldn’t stand still and not do anything about it, and I needed to walk away from that.”

Kavanaugh was one of several Supreme Court justices who attended President Trump's State of the Union speech on Tuesday.



  1. Blah, blah, blah Rashida. You’re boring.

  2. So now that the Dems have been defeated in the impeachment were back to the Cavanaugh thing, it will be every sore point they can through out there for trying to make the Dems win the election. And the big hurdle is they haven't even picked a candidate because they have none that will win. And when they pick that candidate are they going to be able to make that candidate adher to and say everything they want--they are after all puppeteers.

  3. Well, as a woman (since we're playing that game), you and your ilk disgust me. Dragging someone through the mud over obviously false accusations, never charged in a court of law, let alone found guilty. I hope he sues her for slander! As a side note, a young woman accused a family member online of raping her. Slight problem: never happened, she was even on another continent!! Some women are not to be trusted, & this one moist definitely has an agenda.

  4. Maybe she'll stroke out!

  5. Of course the mention of a name is a trigger, to an emotional moron with severe mental illness on display.

  6. You know what? Rashida, As a woman "Muslim" triggers me. Unlike Mr. Kavanaugh who did NOTHING WRONG, Muslims treat women like second class citizens beat, rape and kill them and its OK according to their doctrine. Your are a complete idiot!

  7. What I want to know is why did all the democrats even show up for, for none of them even wanted to be there so how about you all just stay home next time

  8. The whole dumbocrat party keeps putting their hate on full display while accusing Trump of it.

    Wonder why they can't win elections?

  9. Good! Live with it Michigan idiot!

  10. Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh!

  11. She is a luciferian. Luciferians lie and deceive. Luciferians trigger me and i am sick of these constant lies and deceptions from the mouths of these vile creatures

  12. Wish she was close by I would be saying Kavanaugh, kavanaugh, kavanaugh all day long.

  13. Nothing compared to the Mention of HER name !!!!

  14. The mere mention of her name triggers me...so

  15. I would think that having a pre teen female undergo the barbaric act if removing a portion of their genitalia with an old razor blade might trigger you.


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