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Saturday, February 01, 2020

Race-Baiters Ruined As Poll Shows Americans' Satisfaction With Race-Relations Jumped Since Trump Elected

Well this doesn't fit the mainstream media narrative...

In a poll reported by Gallup's 'Mood of the Nation' this week, it turns out that Americans' satisfaction with race relations has jumped 14% since Trump’s inauguration.

As The Daily Caller's David Krayden notes, the numbers on race relations seemingly fly in the face of rhetoric from progressives who not only routinely label the president as a racist and is actively or passively promoting a white supremacist agenda. Democratic New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker has called the president “worse than a racist” while CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin labelled Trump a racist for calling Democratic California Rep. Maxine Waters a “low IQ individual.”

When Trump criticized the infrastructure in Baltimore and said the city was “rodent-infested” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the comments “racist.”



  1. Thw MSM keeps talking about divisiveness in the Trump America, but the only part that's obvious comes from Dem whiners and race baiters, both of which are over-represented in the party.

  2. Of course it has. It was conservative whites that were pissed for having a black man in the WH


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