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Sunday, February 02, 2020

Proposed Plan To Absorb Minimum Wage Increase Endorsed

OCEAN CITY- The state’s mandated minimum wage will continue to creep upward to $15 an hour by 2025, but the resort has a plan to absorb the financial impact.

Last year, the General Assembly passed legislation mandating an incremental increase in the state’s minimum wage over the next five years. As a result, the minimum wage will be increased by roughly 75-cents each year, from the $11 rate that began on January 1 to ultimately $15 by 2025.

The mandated increase set pangs of fear and trepidation through local governments struggling to find a way to fund the pay increases while continuing to make ends meet, including Ocean City. On Tuesday, Human Resources Director Wayne Evans and Budget Manager Jennie Knapp outlined a plan to absorb the incremental increases without straining the budget. The plan includes implementing the increases at the lowest end of the town’s pay scale without having them spread across the entire range.



  1. Sorry...but they can dance around it all they want and not just OC. You can expect tenured EEs to start looking elsewhere when new EEs are making more money and closing the gap on them without increasing their pay too...that just devalues their money. Democrats can put as much lipstick on that pig as they want. Increasing minimum wage isn’t the answer. Costs of goods and services will go up, and that $15/hr will be in essence worth the same as $10/hr is now. It’s really a basic concept.

    Small business owners everywhere don’t know how they’re supposed to operate with this coming.

  2. I want to see wicomico county’s plan for absorbing the more than $7M needed to to raise the hourly income of all county employees currently make $15 and less? There are currently many county employees who less than $15 a hour. And what becomes of those county employees who currently make $15, $16, $17 a hour? Do they become the new minimum wage?

  3. And what they are telling you is horse shit unless they have been lying to you all along about taxes!!!! How can you absorb this cost without raising taxes or stopping some services you provide???? Yet remember every year they have budget short falls and need to raise taxes so how does that work???? Maybe they just lie to you so you won't fight back against the tax hikes each year???? Think about it!!!

  4. And so it begins.

    Local govt employees are gonna be real happy about not being included in these pay hikes. I am sure they will react calmly and rationally. Anyone making over 15/hr right now is getting screwed.

  5. Funny how the $15 as a "living wage" was never mentioned. Want to be honest, take a look at the over aged, under worked, with salaries of $100k, with all of the tax payer perks. You can find $200k of savings in every department in the city. Or better yet, why not have another parking fee increase!

  6. It's taken me over 10 years as a state employee to make 16 per hour.
    So I guess I am back to the drawing board at less than the minimum wage!

    They take a hundred out every two weeks for the pension, which the state is dipping into, so I probably won't get that and I'll continue to work at reduced wages unless I can find something that pays more.

    I know what you will say, good luck with that, you live on the eastern shore and Wicomico County!!!

  7. All 50 states should be at $20.00 per Hr Min wage by now !!!!!

  8. 12:50, it has taken me 15 years and college debt to make $18.00 in the private sector, PS my benefits SUCK! Consider yourself lucky

  9. Raise property taxes

    raise parking fees

    charge a DOLLAR per person to use the beach

    put a toll booth on the draw bridge and North Ocean City...charging 25.00 a car to enter ocean city

    mandatory transit bus fees of 10.00 for all day ride

    those who want to fish off piers should pay 50.00 a day to use our lovely ocean

  10. I talk about this topic with a lot of people who do not realize the REAL problem.
    Everybody recognizes that there are adults who make minimum wage.
    That is a reality.
    Maybe a McDonald's job was a high school job for some readers, but for many people that is their job!

    Here is the REAL problem:

    The Federal Reserve Bank and the US Government.
    They have destroyed the US Dollar and stolen our wages.
    They simply print money out of thin air.
    Presently, at least $40B per night in the repo markets.

    Learn the truth about US Dollar and the difference between currency and money
    Learn what happened when Bretton Woods was ended Aug 25, 1971
    Educate yourself!

    1. The real problem is wage inequality period

  11. Top pay around DelMarVa-ous area is $14 if your lucky &
    alot more will Never see that !!!

    Jobs SUCK in this area, it is a Retirement area & a Medical field
    area , the rest is Farmland , that's it !!!

    Ocean City makes Loads of $$$ for themselves, but Don't want
    to pay the workers, so they get them from Europe so they can
    pay Less than Americans Get !!! FACT

  12. If you want people off welfare and food stamps then you have to pay them enough to pay the bills. It's that simple. Tie it to inflation and be done with it. You'll be just fine as a small business, perhaps with some better employee scheduling, because that additional money will circulate in the economy.

  13. Takes $$$ to Make $$$$ Pony-UP !!!!

  14. O.C. takes advantage of the poor kids from Europe who they
    attract here !!! While O.C. businesses get Ritch !!!!


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