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Sunday, February 09, 2020

Pelosi rips up Trump's State of the Union address manuscript

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripped up her copy of President Trump's State of the Union address after he finished delivering it to a joint session of Congress.

As the president concluded his nearly 90-minute speech, the California Democrat tore up the pages of Trump's speech Tuesday evening.

Pelosi explained her decision to rip the speech up, saying, “It was a courteous thing to do,” and later called it a “dirty speech."

Earlier in the evening, after Trump made his way up to the podium, the president appeared to ignore Pelosi's offer of a handshake, leading her to smirk and shrug.



  1. OMG. I can't believe she did that and with such hatred on her face. She is no Patriot - in fact she should be impeached due to her hatred of America.

  2. Pelosi is the real "deplorable" disgusting she should not hold the title of House Speaker she needs to be impeached now not later and let us stretch her impeachment out until Nov which is what the Dems wanted. Every Democrat out there should be working to end her roll in politics forever.

  3. LMAO hard... President Trump played Pole-low-see and shimure like the the clowns 🤡 they are and got Pole-low-see to reveal her unhinged and triggered TDS...ha ha ha ha ha....

  4. Lol. The Donald is living in Nancy's head rent-free. Loving it!

  5. What a silly drunk an old hag

  6. From what I heard post address to the nation was that it was not her copy to tear up it is the copy that goes on record and is kept, so it was more than stupidity, arrogance, and a disregard for everyone and the Presidency. The woman needs to be impeached and as we often say let there be change and let it begin with me.

  7. Dumbocrats, the party of hate

  8. Makes you wonder if America will ever recover from the tribalism that has become the norm.

  9. Someone is tired of losing, losing, losing!

  10. Sore loser? Or just LOSER?!

  11. Total lack of leadership by Pelosi. This was not a personal copy. It was an official document of record.

  12. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree as she comes from a corrupt family in Baltimore. A real Bitch!!!!

  13. Democrats gathered in their masses
    Just like witches at black masses
    Evil minds that plot destruction
    Sorcerers of death's construction
    In the fields the bodies burning
    As the democrat hate machine keeps turning
    Death and hatred to mankind
    Poisoning their brainwashed minds

  14. Aggravated destruction of government property.

  15. 11:21
    Loved it ! Great Sabbath song. Perfect for the demoncrats.

  16. I thought back a few weeks or so ago, that she stated that she always prays for Trump
    What happened to that?

  17. That had damn well be enough to Get HER OUT of congress !!!!

  18. Just how do you start proceedings of impeachment for NP? Don't bother - she won't be in her current position for long. BTrump haters will turn on her. Mark my words

  19. How low have we gotten. This was a legal (historic) document that she destroyed. She has no place representing the American people ever. Hope they throw her in jail.

    1. And shell out the five-large for all the gold plated pens.

  20. She comes from a long line of Mafia chumps in Baltimore. She has brothers that all have organized crime connections. I quess that is why she went to the opposite side of America to run for office. Joe Biden has a few good ole Mafia boys he hangs with as well. Take a hard look at his connections in up state New York and a couple of his college buddies from Syracuse. The whole lot of them should be hung by the neck and left on the square in D.C. as a message to future politicians. We have a real mess on our hands.

  21. All that botox and pig fat injected in her face it is amazing she can close her eyes at all.

  22. NOW Trump gets to TEAR-UP the Impeachment papers !! LOL

  23. All republicans should condemn Pelosi’s behavior.

  24. Shows how ARROGANT she is !!! She has lived like a QUEEN
    for Far toooooo long !!! Time to REMOVE HER for good !!!!

  25. [Verse 1]
    Generals gathered in their masses
    Just like witches at black masses
    Evil minds that plot destruction
    Sorcerers of death's construction
    In the fields, the bodies burning
    As the war machine keeps turning
    Death and hatred to mankind
    Poisoning their brainwashed minds
    Oh, Lord, yeah!

    War Pigs
    Black Sabbath

    1. Are you celebrating the evil?

    2. 11:06 - the lyrics quoted reflect the stance of the Democratic Party as a metaphor - the Democrats simply don’t care who or what is hurt or harmed by their plans; best thing that Trump did was expose the media bias by bringing the real agenda of Democrats and placing it in from of the average person.

  26. Chris Van Hulder . of Md. Running with the torch.

  27. Pence saw her do it , but was too scared to do anything !!!

  28. You can take the girl out of Baltimore, but you can't take Baltimore out of the girl.
    No matter what your political leanings may be, this is as low class as one could possibly get.

  29. She has yet to apologize to the African American community for ripping up the SOTU

  30. Nazi Pelosi , Hitler's Gerbles !!!

  31. It wasn't his speech she tore.

    After listening to the "America is great and will be even greater!" speech, she tore up the list of deomcrats running for president, knowing that whoever runs against him will have no chance.

  32. Bloods vs Crips in every sense of the word govt style

  33. The historic document that is being destroyed is the Constitution .


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